I have done the init steps in DX10/11/12 many times before, all of a sudden in VS2019 DX12 will not create anything besides the following objects: ID3D12Debug
, ID3D12InfoQueue
, ID3D12Device2
Even a straight creation of command queue fails:
bool DX12ObjectFactory::CreateCommandQueue(ID3D12Device* pDevice, __out
ID3D12CommandQueue** ppCmdQueue, const D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC& queueCreateDesc)
return true;
message is:
hr = 0x00000108 : An open/create operation completed while an oplock break is underway.
Error code lookup points to: ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS 298 (0x12A)
Weird thing is that things were working a few days ago, maybe a Windows update broke it...
was initialized properly, issues seemed to be use of IID_PPV_ARGS
, as it was fine with the old way of using IID_ID3D12CommandQueue
, (void**)&(*ppCmdQueue)
Also my swapchain issue I forgot to initialize buffer count with a value >= 2.
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