EDSDK: can't set 'kEdsPropID_ImageQuality' property


I'm trying to set kEdsPropID_ImageQuality property in a small c++ application. I can set some other properties (kEdsPropID_ISOSpeed and kEdsPropID_SaveTo).

// set ISO 400
int intISO = 0x00000058;
EdsSetPropertyData(camera, kEdsPropID_ISOSpeed, 0, sizeof(intISO), &intISO);

The code above works OK. But next code don't:

// change format from RAW to JPEG    
EdsUInt32 ImgQual = 0x0010ff0f;   // large jpeg or EdsImageQuality_LR;
EdsSetPropertyData(camera, kEdsPropID_ImageQuality, 0, sizeof(ImgQual), &ImgQual);

I need to switch from RAW to Jpeg and vice versa in my application. Please, help me!


1 Answer


At least, I found solution! It's very simple.

EdsUInt32 ImgQual = EdsImageQuality_LJF; // fine jpeg


EdsUInt32 ImgQual = EdsImageQuality_LR; // raw cr2

and then

EdsSetPropertyData (camera, kEdsPropID_ImageQuality, 0, sizeof(ImgQual), &ImgQual);
answered on Stack Overflow Mar 3, 2020 by Anton Vakulenko

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