Unable to install appx MPEG-2 Video Extension on older W10 build


Im trying to install the appx package MPEG-2 Video Extension retrieved from microsoft store on a older w10 build (10.0.14393), but it seems like this build is not supported when i look at the appxmanifest.xml file, and i get this error when i run the package: hresult 0x80073cfd. Is there any other way to install this extension to support the w10 build (10.0.14393) by forcing it through, or could the package be converted to MSI/exe somehow? Im trying to run regsvr32 on the .dll files from the appx package i get an error aswell, so im not having any luck trying to manually install the source files. Cannot use any third party codecs.

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 29, 2020 by johsandb • edited Feb 29, 2020 by Roman R.

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