Problems printing the memory values with virtual memory enabled


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I want to get a simple routine that prints out the E820 memory map, which is located at physical address 0x1000. (I get this via the BIOS int 0xE820 and store the corresponding structure at 0x1000 - my bootloader does this). I also enable paging in my bootloader as follows (Identity map + higher half map):

bits 32

%define PAGE_DIR    0x9C000
%define PAGE_TABLE_0h   0x9D000
%define PAGE_TABLE_300h 0x9E000

%define PAGE_TABLE_ENTRIES  1024
%define PRIV            3

    ;This makes an identity map


    mov eax, 0x0 | PRIV             
    mov ebx, PAGE_TABLE_0h
    mov ecx, PAGE_TABLE_ENTRIES 
    mov dword [ebx], eax
    add ebx, 4      
    add eax, 4096
    loop .loop      

    mov eax, 0x100000 | PRIV
    mov ebx, PAGE_TABLE_300h
    mov ecx, PAGE_TABLE_ENTRIES 
    mov dword [ebx], eax
    add eax, 4096
    add ebx, 4  
    loop .loop


    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_0h | PRIV           ; 1st table is directory entry 0
    mov dword [PAGE_DIR], eax
    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_300h | PRIV         ; 768th entry in directory table
    mov dword [PAGE_DIR+(0x300 * 4)], eax


    mov eax, PAGE_DIR
    mov cr3, eax

    mov     eax, cr0
    or      eax, 0x80000000
    mov     cr0, eax


Consider this routine:

static uint32_t _physical_memory_table[0x8000];

typedef struct mmap_entry
    uint32_t  startLo;
    uint32_t  startHi;
    uint32_t  sizeLo;
    uint32_t  sizeHi;
    uint32_t  type;
    uint32_t  acpi_3_0;
} mmap_entry_t;

void  print_mmap(uint32_t mapentrycount)  
    mmap_entry_t* map_ptr= (mmap_entry_t*)PMMAP; //PMMAP is 0x1000

    uint32_t* z  = (uint32_t*) 0x1000;
    for (int i = 0; i< mapentrycount ; i++)
                printf("\nStarting address:"); printhex((map_ptr+i) -> startLo);
                printf("\tSize: "); printhex((map_ptr+i) -> sizeLo);
                printf("\tType:"); printhex((map_ptr+i) -> type);

    for (uint32_t i=0;i<0x8000;i++)
            _physical_memory_table[i] = 0xffffffff;


Note: printf and printhex are user defined functions that print a string and an integer respectively.

I use qemu as my emulator. I also tested this code in real hardware. It works. The issue is when I do this (I change the order of the for loops):

    for (uint32_t i=0;i<0x8000;i++)
            _physical_memory_table[i] = 0xffffffff;

    uint32_t* z  = (uint32_t*) 0x1000;
    for (int i = 0; i< mapentrycount ; i++)
                printf("\nStarting address:"); printhex((map_ptr+i) -> startLo);
                printf("\tSize: "); printhex((map_ptr+i) -> sizeLo);
                printf("\tType:"); printhex((map_ptr+i) -> type);


The code works on qemu, but on the real machine, all my printhex calls print out 0xffffffff.

Where could I be going wrong?

Some other functions:

void printhex(uint32_t input)
    char buffer[11] = "0x00000000";  //0x + 8 + null
    uint8_t pointer = 9;
    for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
        int c = input & 0xF;
        buffer[pointer] = (char)c;
        pointer --;
        input >>=4;

void printf(char* Message)
    uint32_t pointer = get_cursor();
    pointer <<= 1;
    char* vga_cursor = (char*) VIDEO_MEMORY;
    vga_cursor += pointer;
    while   (*Message)
        char c=*Message;
        *vga_cursor = *Message;
        vga_cursor ++;
       *vga_cursor = current_color;
        vga_cursor ++;
    vga_cursor -= VIDEO_MEMORY;
    pointer = (uint32_t)vga_cursor;
    pointer >>= 1;

The main issue is that the code is working on the emulator but not on hardware, what are the reasons for this?

Edit: I was doing a bit of troubleshooting and this looks like an A20 error to me... I think I've not enabled it right or something

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 28, 2020 by Suraaj K S • edited Feb 29, 2020 by Suraaj K S

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