I have implemented a warp-wide and block-wide reduction using shuffle instructions. Everything works fine when I use 32-bit types, but for 64-bit I always get 0 as a result. To my knowledge, shuffling supports 64-bit arguments. What am I missing?
#include <stdio.h>
template<typename T>
inline __device__ T warpRegSumTest(T val) {
T result = val;
static constexpr unsigned mask = 0xffffffff;
#pragma unroll
for (int delta = 16; delta > 0; delta /= 2) {
result = result + __shfl_down_sync(mask, result, delta);
return result;
template<int numWarpsInBlock, typename T>
inline __device__ T blockRegSumTest(T val) {
__shared__ T part[numWarpsInBlock];
T warppart = warpRegSumTest(val);
if (threadIdx.x % 32 == 0) {
part[threadIdx.x / 32] = warppart;
if (threadIdx.x < 32) {
int tid = threadIdx.x;
T solution = warpRegSumTest(tid < numWarpsInBlock ? part[tid] : T(0));
part[0] = solution;
T result = part[0];
return result;
__global__ void testKernel() {
float float_result = blockRegSumTest<256 / 32>(float(threadIdx.x));
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
printf("Float sum: %f\n", float_result);
double double_result = blockRegSumTest<256 / 32>(double(threadIdx.x));
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
printf("Double sum: %f\n", double_result);
int int_result = blockRegSumTest<256 / 32>(int(threadIdx.x));
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
printf("Int sum: %d\n", int_result);
long long longlong_result = blockRegSumTest<256 / 32>(long long(threadIdx.x));
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
printf("Long long sum: %lld\n", longlong_result);
int main()
testKernel << <1, 256 >> > ();
I am compiling this with compute_70,sm_70
and running on GTX 2070 SUPER.
It outputs:
Float sum: 32640.000000
Double sum: 0.000000
Int sum: 32640
Long long sum: 0
I expected to see 32640 (the sum 0+1+2+...+255) in all 4 cases.
You've got an error here:
part[0] = solution;
it should be:
if (!threadIdx.x) part[0] = solution;
You only want thread 0 to execute that line.
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