Echo code: change from printing to returning


I want to write a function in assembly that has a similar behavior to echo, but instead of printing the given char, I want to change it into a function that will be called upon so instead of printing it returns the input given. The code below is the echo behavior I want to modify

! main - Repeat the following in an infinite loop:  Wait (in a busy loop)
!        until an input character is available.  Read it in.  Then wait
!        (in a busy loop) until the output is ready and write the character
!        to the output.
! r2 = character
! r3 = ptr to SERIAL_STAT word in the memory-mapped area.
! r4 = ptr to SERIAL_DATA word in the memory-mapped area.
! r5 = serial status word
        set STACK_START,r15             ! Initialize the stack reg
        set SERIAL_STAT,r3              ! Initialize ptr to SERIAL_STAT word
        set SERIAL_DATA,r4              ! Initialize ptr to SERIAL_DATA word
loop:                                   ! LOOP:
wait1:                                  !   WAIT1:
        load    [r3],r5                 !     r5 := serial status word
        btst    0x00000001,r5           !     if status[charAvail] == 0 then
        be  wait1                       !     .    goto WAIT1
        load    [r4],r2                 !   Get the character
                cmp r2,'\n'             !   if char != \n
        be  charOK                      !   .
                cmp r2,'\r'             !   .  and char != \r
        be  charOK                      !   .
                cmp r2,' '              !   .  and char < ' ' char then
                bge charOK              !   .
                mov '?',r2              !     char := '?'
charOK:                                 !   endIf
                cmp r2,0x7e             !   if char > 7e char then
                ble charOK2             !   .
                mov '?',r2              !     char := '?'
charOK2:                                !   endIf
wait2:                                  !   WAIT2:
        load    [r3],r5                 !     r5 := serial status word
        btst    0x00000002,r5           !     if status[outputReady] == 0 then
        be  wait2                       !     .    goto WAIT2
        store   r2,[r4]                 !   send char in r2 to serial output
                cmp     r2,'q'          !   if char == 'q' then
                bne     cont            !   .
                debug                   !     debug
cont:                                   !   endIf
        jmp loop                        ! ENDLOOP       

STACK_START =   0x00ffff00
SERIAL_STAT =   0x00ffff00
SERIAL_DATA =   0x00ffff04

The trouble I'm having is that I am not very good at reading assembly language so I'm not entirely how to erase the loop without breaking the code, or where to insert the return instruction.

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 1, 2020 by JonnyMca1081

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