i'm am stuck with this dependency problem...
My Setup:
.Net Standard libraries with aspnetcore.identity code (UserManager, IdentityUser, etc) + all needed extension packages like Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores in version 2.2.0 (not 3.x.x)
Database is already migrated to aspnetcore.identity layout
Now I want to access the Users in the WebForms App with this code:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using MyNetStandard20LibraryWithTheIdentityClasses;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace WebApplication2
public partial class _Default : Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>();
var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole, ApplicationDbContext, Guid>(
new ApplicationDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options)
AspNetUserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager = new AspNetUserManager<ApplicationUser>(
new PasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>(),
new List<UserValidator<ApplicationUser>>() { new UserValidator<ApplicationUser>() },
var x = userManager.Users; // Exception!
Note that the ApplicationUser Class is in a separate dot net standard DLL.
Its fine to the point that "UseSqlServer()" is not working and I need to install "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" (which installs "System.Data.SqlClient" die to dependency).
And now I get the error "warning MSB3277: Found conflicts between different versions of "System.Data.SqlClient" that could not be resolved."
Do you see any major problem in my approach? I just want to "normally" use the AspNetCore.Identity Tables in a WebForms Project. All Dlls implement the .Net standard 2.0 and I assume that this should be ok, right?
Then the other Question: How do I approach the Issue with the "conflicts between different versions". This is done in a minimal example. If I want to use all of this in the real WebForms application I get same error on most additional packages I install...
Update: If I update the extension packages to 3.1.1 this issue above is solved but then I execute the code I get this error: right
Message=Methode nicht gefunden: "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders.IndexBuilder Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders.EntityTypeBuilder1.HasIndex(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression
I found this: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/8467
I'm not sure how to solve this. I need to keep my libraries to .Net Standard and the Webforms application to .Net Framework 4.7.
A Solution that I cannot use... Install 3.x of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity. I cannot do that because its not compatible with .Net 4.7.2 (nuget won't install it...) https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/11021
Update I posted one of the issues in a specific case here: ApplicationDbContext.OnModelCreating() in .Net Standard 2.0 has MissingMethodException
So, I have a solution for my problem:
use Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer version 2.2.6 (NOT 3.1.1 even though its supposed to work with .net standard 2.0...)
And a sequence of deleting nuget packages, clearing nuget cache, deleting nuget packages on the local computer (in the C:/../Users/.../.nuget folder), changing the nuget management format to "PackageReference", reinstalling everything and dealing with warnings helped (I cant say what exactly the issue was regarding the version-conflicts)
See ApplicationDbContext.OnModelCreating() in .Net Standard 2.0 has MissingMethodException for more information
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