Getting "Unfortunately, GluonMobile" stopped working


I am getting "Unfortunately, GluonMobile stopped working" every time I try to run my application on android. First of all, I am using gluon-mobile to make android apps that is writted in javafx (java) for GUI app development. I am also using the latest version of Intellij Idea while I am writing this question.

I searched on the internet, but I found no solutions. The problem is that Gluon mobile does not have that much support I guess. The installation was done in many ways, through a USB debugging feature that I allowed in my phone, and through uploading my app to the internet and installing it successfully, both gives me the same result.

However, I used a tool that comes with the android sdk, called adb. When I opened the program, I got all of these massages :

01-25 18:37:01.532   654   654 I GRALLOC :       yuv=2,w=1080,h=2160,Stride u=0
v=0,offset u=0 v=0
01-25 18:37:01.532   654   654 I GRALLOC :       iova_size=9547776,conUsg=0x900,
proUsg=0x900,    strd=1088,[afbc]HdrStrd=1088 PyldStrd=69632 Scrmbl=0,ionhnd = 1

01-25 18:37:01.534  1860  2041 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_wins
ys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_bu
ffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
01-25 18:37:01.536  1134  9084 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{6c51
961 u0
uncher} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
01-25 18:37:01.541  1610  3016 D HwRecentsLockUtils: Search
01-25 18:37:01.541  1812 32608 E HsmCoreServiceImpl: onTransact in code is: 103
01-25 18:37:01.541  1812 32608 I MediaProcessHandler: playingUids:
01-25 18:37:01.542  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping, home or recents stac
k task: TaskRecord{f7d8d1c #1 U=0 StackId=0 sz=1}
01-25 18:37:01.542  1610  1610 D BarTransitions.HwNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSP
01-25 18:37:01.542  1610  1610 D BarTransitions.HwNavigationBarView: applyModeBa
ckground oldMode=MODE_TRANSPARENT newMode=MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping
viceinfo.chooser.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10800000 hwFlg=0x100
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping intent:flg=0x10804000 bnds=[48,1369][1032,2857]
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping
tent.action.VIEW dat=content://
bile-singleviewprojectapp.apk typ=application/ flg=0x
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping intent:flg=0x58800000
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping
tent.action.DELETE dat=package:com.gluon flg=0x10800000
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping
tent.action.DELETE dat=package:com.kaspersky.safekids flg=0x10800000
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1161 D ActivityManager: Skipping intent:flg=0x10800000
01-25 18:37:01.548  1134  1403 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window callers com.andro
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    : Exception occurred while getting Sett
ingsStore instance.
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    : java.util.concurrent.ExecutionExcepti
on: BadAuthentication
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at awhm.b(
s@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):3)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at awhm.a(
s@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):8)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at awdx.a(
s@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):9)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at awdx.a(
s@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):27)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at
gms@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):7)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at
gms@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):2)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at tfd.b(
@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):15)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at
ms@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):10)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at Source:7)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    : Caused by:
h.UserRecoverableAuthException: BadAuthentication
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at gzr.a(
@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):8)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at gzw.a(
@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):5)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at gzw.c(
@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):2)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at gzw.b(
@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):1)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at gzw.b(
@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):2)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at gzw.f(Unknown Source:20)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at
.gms@19831021@19.8.31 (040408-284611645):3)
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
01-25 18:37:01.558  2071  4433 E awhm    :      ... 6 more
01-25 18:37:01.563   654   654 I GRALLOC :       shrFd=10,fmt=0x1,intFmt=0x20000
01-25 18:37:01.563   654   654 I GRALLOC :       yuv=2,w=1080,h=2160,Stride u=0
v=0,offset u=0 v=0
01-25 18:37:01.563   654   654 I GRALLOC :       iova_size=9547776,conUsg=0xb00,
proUsg=0xb00,    strd=1088,[afbc]HdrStrd=1088 PyldStrd=69632 Scrmbl=0,ionhnd = 1

01-25 18:37:01.573  1134  4786 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{2680
79f u0
uncher} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
01-25 18:37:01.581  1860  1860 V InputMethodManager: Reporting focus gain, witho
ut startInput
01-25 18:37:01.584  4160  4160 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor Eve
ntBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small.
01-25 18:37:01.585  4160  4311 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creat
ing new session controller.
01-25 18:37:01.585  1825  2000 I APwTrigger: no high cpu load
01-25 18:37:01.587  1134  1859 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcas
t com.huawei.intent.action.PG_THERMAL_MSG_ACTION from system 1825:com.huawei.pow
ergenie/1000 pkg com.huawei.powergenie
01-25 18:37:01.587  1825  2000 I BroadcastAdapter: send hight cpu load msg to th
01-25 18:37:01.596  1845  1856 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEn
abled: subId=0 phoneId=0
01-25 18:37:01.597  1845  1856 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEn
abled: subId=0 retVal=false
01-25 18:37:01.597   654   654 I GRALLOC :       shrFd=10,fmt=0x1,intFmt=0x20000
01-25 18:37:01.597   654   654 I GRALLOC :       yuv=2,w=1080,h=2160,Stride u=0
v=0,offset u=0 v=0
01-25 18:37:01.597   654   654 I GRALLOC :       iova_size=9547776,conUsg=0xb00,
proUsg=0xb00,    strd=1088,[afbc]HdrStrd=1088 PyldStrd=69632 Scrmbl=0,ionhnd = 1

01-25 18:37:01.602   654   654 I GRALLOC :       shrFd=10,fmt=0x1,intFmt=0x20000
01-25 18:37:01.602   654   654 I GRALLOC :       yuv=2,w=1080,h=2160,Stride u=0
v=0,offset u=0 v=0
01-25 18:37:01.602   654   654 I GRALLOC :       iova_size=9547776,conUsg=0xb00,
proUsg=0xb00,    strd=1088,[afbc]HdrStrd=1088 PyldStrd=69632 Scrmbl=0,ionhnd = 1

01-25 18:37:01.613  1845  1856 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEn
abled: subId=0 phoneId=0
01-25 18:37:01.613  1845  1856 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEn
abled: subId=0 retVal=false
01-25 18:37:01.618  1134  9084 I HwNetworkPolicy: onTransact, code = 15
01-25 18:37:01.629  4160  4311 I StreamController: registerScope: nowcards-15-14
01-25 18:37:01.661  1134  1279 E ProcessInfoCollector: getProcessInfo: failed to
 find this proc
01-25 18:37:01.685  4160  4311 I MicroDetectionWorker: #startMicroDetector [spea
kerMode: 0]
01-25 18:37:01.686  4160  4311 I AudioController: Created new AudioSource
01-25 18:37:01.687  4160  4160 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:1 lineCount:1
01-25 18:37:01.688  4160  4160 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:1 lineCount:1
01-25 18:37:01.690  4160 11637 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Starting detection.
01-25 18:37:01.690  4160 11637 I MultipleReaderAudioSrc: Using micInputStream
01-25 18:37:01.690  4160 11513 I MicrophoneInputStream: mic_starting  SR : 16000
 CC : 16 SO : 1999
01-25 18:37:01.690  4160 11513 D HwCust  : Create obj success use class android.
01-25 18:37:01.690  4160 11513 E HwCustAudioRecordImpl: isOpenEC : false
01-25 18:37:01.691   721  2375 D AudioFlinger: event 162
01-25 18:37:01.692   721  2375 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: getInputForAttr() sourc
e 1999, samplingRate 16000, format 1, channelMask 10,session 1345, flags 0
01-25 18:37:01.693   661   661 I audio_hw_primary: update config period size 960

01-25 18:37:01.693   661   661 I audio_hw_primary: change channel_mask form 10 t
01-25 18:37:01.695   721  2375 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getInputForAttr() retur
ns input type = 0
01-25 18:37:01.696  4160  4311 I MicroDetectionWorker: onReady
01-25 18:37:01.696   721  2375 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0
 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0x73728200a8
01-25 18:37:01.696   721  2375 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0
ports needed 8
01-25 18:37:01.697   721  2375 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0
 type 0 num_ports 8 ports 0x7370a14000
01-25 18:37:01.697   721  2375 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 8
ports needed 8
01-25 18:37:01.697  1134  1134 I AudioSystem-JNI: listAudioPorts AudioSystem::li
stAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 336 generation1 336
01-25 18:37:01.697   721 12578 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x7370ab300
0 tid=12578 ready to run
01-25 18:37:01.697   661   661 I audio_hw_primary: do_in_standby standby: 1, in_
device: 0
01-25 18:37:01.698   721   964 D AudioFlinger: event 162
01-25 18:37:01.698  1825  2000 D AudioState: SESSION_ID_NEW, containsKey, pid: 4
160, sessionId: 1345,uid: 10043
01-25 18:37:01.699   661   661 I audio_hw_primary: do_in_standby standby: 1, in_
device: 0
01-25 18:37:01.701  4160 11513 D AudioRecordPermission: AudioRecordPermission
01-25 18:37:01.701  4160 11513 I AudioRecordPermission: remindWithResult:false
01-25 18:37:01.701  4160 11513 I HwAudioRecordImpl: checkRecordActive
01-25 18:37:01.702   721   964 W HuaweiAudioFlinger: soundtrigger is now disable
 or not support, pls enable it first from setting
01-25 18:37:01.702   721   964 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: startInput() input 694
01-25 18:37:01.702   721   964 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewInputDevice() sel
ected device 0x80000004
01-25 18:37:01.702   721   964 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: setInputDevice() input
694 device 80000004 force 1
01-25 18:37:01.707  1825  2000 I DeviceMonitor: Add AudioIn uid:10043 pid:-2
01-25 18:37:01.707   654   654 I GRALLOC :       shrFd=10,fmt=0x1,intFmt=0x20000
01-25 18:37:01.707   654   654 I GRALLOC :       yuv=2,w=1080,h=2160,Stride u=0
v=0,offset u=0 v=0
01-25 18:37:01.707   654   654 I GRALLOC :       iova_size=9547776,conUsg=0xb00,
proUsg=0xb00,    strd=1088,[afbc]HdrStrd=1088 PyldStrd=69632 Scrmbl=0,ionhnd = 1

01-25 18:37:01.707   661   661 D audio_hw_primary: in_set_parameters_no_lock inp
ut_source: 6, in_device: 0x80000004
01-25 18:37:01.707   661   661 D dsp_interface: dsp_set_source:source = 6
01-25 18:37:01.707   661   661 D dsp_soc : set source 6 succ
01-25 18:37:01.707   661   661 I dsp_common: dsp_common_set_source:source = 6
01-25 18:37:01.708   721   964 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: setInputDevice() create
AudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 684
01-25 18:37:01.708   721   964 V SoundTrigger: setCaptureState(1)
01-25 18:37:01.708   721   964 V SoundTriggerHwService: setCaptureState 1
01-25 18:37:01.708   721   964 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: event 164
01-25 18:37:01.708   721   964 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: AudioPolicyManager::sta
rtInput() input source = 1999
01-25 18:37:01.708  4160 11513 I HwAudioRecordImpl: sendStateChangedIntent, stat
01-25 18:37:01.709  1134  1859 I HwSystemManager: pkgName =
ooglequicksearchbox pid = 0uidOf3RdApk = 10043permType = 1permCfg=1
01-25 18:37:01.709  1134  1859 I BackgroundPermManager: pkgName:
oid.googlequicksearchbox,pid: 0 ,uidOf3RdApk: 10043 ,permType: 1 ,permCfg: 1
01-25 18:37:01.710   661 12579 I audio_hw_primary: start_input_stream: adev->in_
device = 0, in->device = 0x4
01-25 18:37:01.710  1825  2000 I PGServer: report state:1 event type:1 pid:4160
uid:10043 pkg:null to pid: 1134
01-25 18:37:01.710  1825  2000 D AudioState: auido type:in state:start pid:4160
01-25 18:37:01.710   661 12579 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices++ mode[0]
01-25 18:37:01.710  1553  6599 E HSM     : BMNCaller:is not PermissionEnabled.
01-25 18:37:01.710   661 12579 I audio_hw_primary: input_source_id 0x4, output_d
evice_id 0x2
01-25 18:37:01.710   661 12579 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices() devices 0x2
input src 6 output route none input route voice-rec-handfree-mic in_device 0x4
01-25 18:37:01.710  4160 11513 I MicrophoneInputStream: mic_started  SR : 16000
CC : 16 SO : 1999
01-25 18:37:01.711   661 12579 I dsp_common: dsp_common_control_algo:set device
= 0
01-25 18:37:01.711   721   964 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0
 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0x7372820050
01-25 18:37:01.712   721   964 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0
ports needed 8
01-25 18:37:01.712   721  2393 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0
 type 0 num_ports 8 ports 0x7372d0d000
01-25 18:37:01.712   721  2393 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 8
ports needed 8
01-25 18:37:01.712  1134  1134 I AudioSystem-JNI: listAudioPorts AudioSystem::li
stAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 337 generation1 337
01-25 18:37:01.715 11521 11521 I karaoke.IntentReceiver: Intent received, action, sender MediaRecorder, packageNa
me, state 3
01-25 18:37:01.715  1134  9084 V BroadcastQueue: Finished with ordered broadcast
 BroadcastRecord{4debeaf u0}
01-25 18:37:01.721  4160  4160 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:1 lineCount:1
01-25 18:37:01.722  4160  4160 I chatty  : uid=10043(u0_a43)
googlequicksearchbox:search identical 1 line
01-25 18:37:01.722  4160  4160 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.
maxLines:1 lineCount:1
01-25 18:37:01.755   661 12579 I dsp_common: dsp_common_control_algo:set device
= 0
01-25 18:37:01.756   661 12579 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices--
01-25 18:37:01.756   661 12579 I audio_hw_primary: start_input_stream OK. rate :
 48000, period_size : 960, channel : 2
01-25 18:37:01.756   661 12579 D dsp_interface: dsp_set_source:source = 6
01-25 18:37:01.756   661 12579 D dsp_soc : set source 6 succ
01-25 18:37:01.756   661 12579 I dsp_common: dsp_common_set_source:source = 6
01-25 18:37:01.778  4160  4311 I MicroDetectionWorker: onReady
01-25 18:37:01.875   776   776 E         : [E/capacity_limit_control] not demo v
ersion, not set power control prop!
01-25 18:37:01.991   661   661 I audio_hw_primary: usb_ext_get_parameters: check
 show hires (false)
01-25 18:37:01.991   721  2393 I hash_map_utils: key: 'typec_need_show_hires' va
lue: ''
01-25 18:37:01.991  1134  1134 I HwAudioService: check HiRes Icon false
01-25 18:37:01.992  1134  1134 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcas
t huawei.intent.action.hideHiResIcon from system uid 1000 pkg null
01-25 18:37:01.992  1134  1134 I HwAudioService: broadcastHiresIntent : false
01-25 18:37:01.993  1610  1610 D StatusBarIconController: setIconVisibility icon
 is null or visibility not change visibility=false
01-25 18:37:02.036  1860  2041 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer o
n View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
01-25 18:37:02.036  1860  2041 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer o
n View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
01-25 18:37:02.038   654   654 I GRALLOC :       shrFd=10,fmt=0x1,intFmt=0x20000
01-25 18:37:02.038   654   654 I GRALLOC :       yuv=2,w=1080,h=2160,Stride u=0
v=0,offset u=0 v=0
01-25 18:37:02.038   654   654 I GRALLOC :       iova_size=9547776,conUsg=0xb00,
proUsg=0xb00,    strd=1088,[afbc]HdrStrd=1088 PyldStrd=69632 Scrmbl=0,ionhnd = 1

01-25 18:37:02.757   747  3000 I Pged-IPgedBinderService: ****action is 2, pid n
um is 2***
01-25 18:37:02.757   747  3000 I Pged-Freezer: thawPids
01-25 18:37:02.758  1825  2068 D PgedBinderAdapter: unfrz ok, pid: [8960]
01-25 18:37:04.290  1134  1724 W Watchdog: hungtask: writing kick
01-25 18:37:04.294  1134  1289 I EventHub: EventHub monitor: no key events in th
e past 60s,

While executing the android gradle task to generate an apk file, I got no errors and the console was clear. I didn't find any "ERROR" words nor red text, only peaceful white text. However, I executed the "run" task on Intellij Idea, it worked out just fine and the code was executed correctly on my PC. I got no idea of what is happening.

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 24, 2020 by Hasan Shadi • edited Jan 25, 2020 by Hasan Shadi

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