Remote access to postgresql server windows 10


As the title suggest I'm trying to configure a postgresql server to be accessible remotely. I've followed many guides and viewed some of the other answers here however I'm still having trouble.

The details: os, windows 10

postgresql version on host is 11.6

postgresql version on remote is 11.2 with anaconda install

I have changed the pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf to allow for connections to the server. More specifically I've added the line

host all all xxx.xx.x.0/0 trust

I can verify that the host is listening on local address via netstat. I can ping the ip of the host from the remote, and I have set windows firewalls on the host to allow connection.

Yet I still recieve the following error when trying to access psql from the remote.

psql: could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060)
        Is the server running on host "xxx.xx.x.144" and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?```
asked on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2020 by IENGgud

1 Answer


I had to double check the windows firewall permissions. The connection was enabled but the application was not set to allowed. It turns out a local user can enable connection but I needed the system admin to set the application executable to allowed by the windows fire wall.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 21, 2020 by IENGgud

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