I've installed an C++ API application which puts a couple of DLLs (A.DLL
and B.DLL
) in my programs folder. A.DLL
has a dependency on B.DLL
I can load them successfully with ctypes.WinDLL
IF from the installation folder like C:\Programs Files\XXX-API\A.DLL
while if I move the folder to another place C:\TEMP\
, the Python cytes load will complain that it can't find B.DLL
I'm looking into the winmode, looks like it will solve the problem. The winmode
seems to take an integer from parameters in MS reference .
for example :
,to pass 0x00000100
as 256
to winmode
? ctype will complain can not find B.DLL
,I'm not sure what's missing ,appreciate any idea from you ,thanks !
ctypes.WinDLL(path_to_A_DLL , winmode = 256 )
Alternative 1:
import nt
_func1 = ctypes.WinDLL(lib_name, winmode = nt._LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DLL_LOAD_DIR)
Alternative 2:
_func1 = ctypes.WinDLL(lib_name, winmode = 0x100)
Should both work.
But was trying os.add_dll_directory() all day long. Switched finally to
_func1 = ctypes.WinDLL(absolute_lib_path, winmode = 0x8)
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