Error printing a student roster array: "...Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCCC."


I have a program assignment to load data to a class roster array. It loads fine but when I try to print the array contents, via the printAll function, I get the error:

Exception thrown at 0x00C2F213 in Test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCCC

The data loads all five student's data. The printAll function uses a for loop (within the for loop is a call to a virtual print function) that prints each record. But it prints the last student record loaded (even though I initialize my index counter to 0) to the array and then crashes. Somehow my index/pointer is pointing to the last record in the array and not the first one.

Here's my code:

int main() {
string rowText;
int commaPos1 = 0;
int commaPos2 = 2;
//int daysInCourse[3];

string StudentDataArray[5][9];

const string studentData[] =
    "A1,John,Smith,John1989@gm,20,30,35,40,NETWORK",                //SECURITY
    "A2,Suzan,Erickson,Erickson_1990@gmailcom,19,50,30,40,NETWORK",         //NETWORK
    "A3,Jack,Napoli,,19,20,40,33,NETWORK",             //SOFTWARE
    "A4,Erin,Black,, 22,50,58,40,NETWORK",            //SECURITY
    "A5,William,Byrd ,,57,32,11,23,NETWORK",                  //SOFTWARE

//Loading Students to a multi-column array prior to loading it into class roster.
cout << "Loading temporary table..." << endl;
int row, rowLength;
int column;
for (row = 0;row < 5;++row) {        //for each row:
    rowText = (studentData[row]); // read the row into variable, get its character length 
    rowLength = rowText.size();   // and set the column position counters to zero
    commaPos1 = 0;
    commaPos2 = 0;
    for (column = 0;column < 9; ++column) {  //for each column: 
        if (column != 8) {   //Column is not the last column (last column needs to be processed differently due to final comma)
            commaPos2 = studentData[row].find(",", commaPos2);
            StudentDataArray[row][column] = studentData[row].substr(commaPos1, commaPos2 - commaPos1);
            commaPos1 = commaPos2;
        else {
            StudentDataArray[row][column] = studentData[row].substr(commaPos1, rowLength - commaPos1);
cout << "Temporary table loaded...";

//load Class Roster from array
Roster classRoster;
Degree DegreeProgramEnum = NETWORKING;
cout << "Loading class Roster..." << endl;
for (row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
    /*if (StudentDataArray[row][8] == "NETWORK") {
        DegreeProgramEnum = NETWORKING;
        //cout << "Student is is the networking degree program." << endl;
    else if (StudentDataArray[row][8] == "SOFTWARE") {
        DegreeProgramEnum = SOFTWARE;
    else if (StudentDataArray[row][8] == "SECURITY") {
        DegreeProgramEnum = SECURITY;
    else {
        cout << "ERROR: Degree Program is not NETWORKING, SOFTWARE OR SECURITY: " << StudentDataArray[row][8];

    classRoster.add(StudentDataArray[row][0],         //Student ID
                    StudentDataArray[row][1],         //First Name
                    StudentDataArray[row][2],         //Last Name
                    StudentDataArray[row][3],         //Email
                    stoi(StudentDataArray[row][4]),   //Age
                    stoi(StudentDataArray[row][5]),   //DaysInCourse1
                    stoi(StudentDataArray[row][6]),   //DaysInCourse2
                    stoi(StudentDataArray[row][7]),   //DaysInCourse3
                    DegreeProgramEnum);               //Enumerated degree program:  SECURITY = 0, NETWORK = 1, SOFTWARE = 2
    cout << "loading classRoster Record #: " << StudentDataArray[row][0] << endl;
cout << "Class Roster loaded..." << endl;

//print student data array

Here's my printAll function:

void Roster::printAll() {
//cout << "C867 Scripting and Programming - Applications" << endl;
//cout << "C++" << endl;
//cout << "William Byrd (ID# 000941206)" << endl;
//cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Printing Class Roster..." << endl;
int e = 0;
int arrayitems = sizeof(classRosterArray) / sizeof(classRosterArray[e]);
cout << "number of array items: " << arrayitems << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayitems; i++) {
    if (classRosterArray[i] != nullptr) { 
        cout << "ClassRoster row #:  " << i << endl;
cout << "Class Roster Printed..." << '\n' << endl;

and here's my print() function from another cpp file:

void Student::print()
    string degree;

    if (getsDegreeProgram() == 0)
        degree = "SECURITY";
    else if (getsDegreeProgram() == 1) 
        degree = "NETWORK";
    else  // getsDegreeProgram() == 2:  SOFTWARE
        degree = "SOFTWARE";

    cout << getSID() << "\t"
        << "First Name: " << getsFName() << "\t"
        << "Last Name: " << getsLName() << "\t"
        << "Email Address: " << getsEmail() << "\t"
        << "Age: " << getsAge() << "\t" << "   "
        << "Days In Course: { " << getsDIC()[0] << ", " << getsDIC()[1] << ", " << getsDIC()[2] << " }\t"
        << "Degree Program: " << degree << endl;

Here's my output:

Loading temporary table...

Temporary table loaded...

Loading class Roster...

loading classRoster Record #: A1

loading classRoster Record #: A2

loading classRoster Record #: A3

loading classRoster Record #: A4

loading classRoster Record #: A5

Class Roster loaded...

Printing Class Roster...

number of array items: 5

A5 First Name: William Last Name: Byrd Email Address: Age: 57 Days In Course: { 32, 11, 23 } Degree Program: NETWORK

ClassRoster row #: 0

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 25, 2019 by Bill Byrd • edited Dec 25, 2019 by Bill Byrd

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