EnumProcessModules returns 0 with error 299


I'm currently trying to enumerate all the modules of a supsended 32-bits process I've previously created from my 32-bits program, my Windows is 64-bits. (I've already read all the other topics on that problem).

Here is the code:

let a = CreateProcessA(
    "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GlassWire\\GlassWire.exe\0".as_ptr(),
    null_mut(), null_mut(), null_mut(),
    null_mut(), null_mut(), SI, PI);
println!("{}", GetLastError());

let mut buffer: [*mut c_void;10] = [0 as *mut c_void;10];
WaitForInputIdle((*PI).hProcess as *mut c_void, -1);
let result = EnumProcessModules(
    (*PI).hProcess as *mut c_void,
    buffer.as_ptr() as *mut c_void,
    10, null_mut());

println!("EnumProcessModules([...]) = {} - {}", result, GetLastError());

let mut index: usize = 0x0; 
let mut modname: [u8;1024] = [0;1024];
while(transmute::<*mut c_void, u32>(buffer[index]) != 0x0){
    GetModuleFileNameExA((*PI).hProcess as *mut c_void, buffer[index], modname.as_ptr() as *mut c_void, 1024);
    println!("module: {}", std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&modname));
    modname = [0;1024];
    index += 1;
println!("Dump: {:?}", buffer.to_vec());

I saw that I had to use WaitForInputIdle() after using CreateProcessA before enumerating modules because the process doesn't have the time to "initialize", well when I do that, whatever the process I create (it successfully creates it) the program wait forever.

And when I try to do the same on the main process by replacing all the (*PI).hProcess by GetCurrentProcess() (I removed the WintForInputIdle() line), EnumProcessModules() still returns 0 but now GetLastError() returns 998 (ERROR_NOACCESS), but the modules handles are successfully written in buffer.

So the program output:

A:\Encrypted\Temp\injector\target\i686-pc-windows-msvc\debug\main.exe // (the program)

Dump: [0x920000, 0x77180000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]

And if I specify the path of the running program in CreateProcessA(), it will also return 0 with 299 as the windows error code.

I'm really confused...Thanks for reading, I hope I've been clear enough.

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 24, 2019 by Aleister Crowley • edited Dec 24, 2019 by Aleister Crowley

1 Answer


First, use the CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or CREATE_NO_WINDOW instead of CREATE_SUSPENDED(0x00000004), as @Jonathan Potter, the suspend state will block the function WaitForInputIdle.

Second, make sure that the process is not a console application or has a message queue, otherwise WaitForInputIdle returns immediately.

Then, you can try to call SuspendThread after WaitForInputIdle to suspend the process to prevent it from ending.


Pay attention to the last two parameters of EnumProcessModules:


The size of the lphModule array, in bytes.


The number of bytes required to store all module handles in the lphModule array.

Here is a good sample on msdn: Enumerating All Modules For a Process. Just replace hProcess.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 25, 2019 by Drake Wu • edited Dec 26, 2019 by Drake Wu

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