0xC0000005: acces violation reading location 0x0000000000000000 on VS 2019


i know that people already posted many errors like this one, but i really don't know what's wrong on my code. I'm coding a binary search Tree, and i have the following Error in the insertion function: 0xC0000005: violation access while reading location 0x0000000000000000. thats my data structure: Obs: this error only happens on Visual Studio, i already compiled and executed it on different IDES such as CodeBlocks and Dev-Cpp with different compilers, and even with the same compiler as Visual Studio and i didn't get this error.

typedef struct INFO{
    int value;

typedef struct key {
    info* info;
    struct key* left;
    struct key* right;

thats the following function:

int insertBST(key** bst, info info) {
int insert = 0;
key* newKey = createKey(info);
if (!(*bst)) {
    *bst = newKey;
    return 1;

if ((*bst)->info->value < newKey->info->value) insert = insertBST(&((*bst)->right), info); //The erros happens in this line

if ((*bst)->info->value > newKey->info->value) insert = insertBST(&((*bst)->left), info);
return insert;


i call the Function on my main in the folowing way:

case 1:
            puts("Informe um valor:");
            scanf_s("%i", &(info.value));
            printf("insercao: %i\n", insertBST(&bst, info));

wich is inside of a switch that's also inside of a do while loop.

c File:

#include "BST.h"

info* createInfoKey(int value) {
    info* newInfo = (info*)calloc(1, sizeof(info));
    if (!newInfo) return newInfo;
    newInfo->value = value;

key* createKey(info inf) {
    key* newKey = (key*)calloc(1, sizeof(key));
    if (!newKey) return newKey;
    newKey->info = createInfoKey(inf.value);
    newKey->left = NULL;
    newKey->right = NULL;
    if (!newKey->info) return newKey;
    newKey->info->value = inf.value;
    return newKey;

key* leftBST(key* key) {
    return key->left;

key* rightBST(key* key) {
    return key->right;

void listPreOrder(key* bst, node** first, node** last) {
    if (!bst) return;
    if (bst) {
        *first = insertE(bst->info->value , *first, last);
    listPreOrder(bst->left, first, last);
    listPreOrder(bst->right, first, last);

key* rebuildTree(node** preListFirst, node* inListFirst, node** preListLast, node** inListLast) {
    if(!(*preListFirst)) return NULL;
    if(!(*preListFirst) && !inListFirst) return NULL;
    node* aux = inListFirst, * aux2 = NULL;
    info inf;
    inf.value = (*preListFirst)->info->value;
    key* newKey = createKey(inf);
    if(inListFirst && inListFirst->info->value == (*preListFirst)->info->value){
        (*preListFirst) = (*preListFirst)->next;
        return newKey;
    if (aux)
        if (aux->next)
            while (aux->next->info->value != (*preListFirst)->info->value) {
                aux = aux->next;
    (*preListFirst) = (*preListFirst)->next;
    aux2 = aux->next;
    if(aux2) if(aux2->next) aux2 = aux2->next;
    aux->next = NULL;
    newKey->left = rebuildTree(preListFirst, inListFirst, preListLast, inListLast);
    newKey->right = rebuildTree(preListFirst,aux2, preListLast, inListLast);
    return newKey;

void listInOrder(key* bst, node** first, node** last) {
    if (!bst) return;
    listInOrder(bst->left, first, last);
    if (bst) {
        *first = insertE(bst->info->value, *first, last);
    listInOrder(bst->right, first, last);

void listPosOrder(key* bst, node** first, node** last) {
    if (!bst) return;

    listPosOrder(bst->left, first, last);
    listPosOrder(bst->right, first, last);

    if (bst) {
        *first = insertE(bst->info->value, *first, last);

void printPreOrder(key* bst) {
    if (!bst) return;
    printf("[%i] \n", bst->info->value);

int nFolhas(key* bst) {
    static int i=0;
    if (!bst) return 0;
    if(!bst->right && !bst->left) i++;
    return i;

void printInOrder(key* bst) {
    if (!bst) return;
    printf("[%i] \n", bst->info->value);

void printPosOrder(key* bst) {
    if (!bst) return;
    printf("[%i] \n", bst->info->value);

int insertBST(key** bst, info info) {
    int insert = 0;
    key** bst2;
    key* newKey = createKey(info);
    if (!(*bst)) {
        *bst = newKey;
        return 1;

    if ((*bst)->info->value < newKey->info->value) {
        bst2 = &((*bst)->right);
        insert = insertBST(bst2, info);
    if ((*bst)->info->value > newKey->info->value) {
        bst2 = &((*bst)->left);
        insert = insertBST(bst2, info);
    return insert;

key* searchBST(key* bst, info info) {
    if (!bst) return NULL;
    if (bst->info->value == info.value) return bst;

    if (bst->info->value < info.value) return searchBST(bst->right, info);
    if (bst->info->value > info.value) return searchBST(bst->left, info);

int searchBSTFather(key* bst, info info, key** father) {
    if (!bst) return -1;
    if (bst->info->value == info.value) return 0;
    if (!bst->left && !bst->right) return 0;
    if (bst->right && bst->right->info->value == info.value) {
        *father = bst;
        return 1;//1 = filho a direita
    if (bst->left && bst->left->info->value == info.value) {
        *father = bst;
        return 2;// 2 = filho a esquerda

    if (bst->info->value < info.value) return searchBSTFather(bst->right, info, father);
    if (bst->info->value > info.value) return searchBSTFather(bst->left, info, father);

key* smaller(key* bst) {
    if (!bst) return NULL;
    if (!bst->left) return bst;
    if (bst->left) return smaller(bst->left);

key* larger(key* bst) {
    if (!bst) return NULL;
    if (!bst->right) return bst;
    if (bst->right) return smaller(bst->left);

int heightBST(key* bst) {
    int height = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
    if (!bst) return 0;
    left = 1 + heightBST(bst->left);
    right = 1 + heightBST(bst->right);
    height = left > right ? left : right;
    return height;

key* removeCurrent(key* bst, key* current) {
    key* aux, * aux2;
    aux = current;
    //Os casos de remocao dessa implementacao trabalham juntos.
    if (!aux->left) {
        aux2 = current->right;
        return aux2;
    aux2 = current->left;

    if (aux2)
        while (aux2->right) {
            aux = aux2;
            aux2 = aux2->right;
    if (aux != current) {
        aux->right = aux2->left;
        aux2->left = current->left;
    if (aux2) aux2->right = current->right;
    return aux2;

int removeBST(key** bst, info info) {
    key* father = NULL, * current = (*bst), * subTree = NULL;
    int side;
    if (!(*bst)) return 0;
    side = searchBSTFather((*bst), info, &father);
    if (side == -1) return 0;
    if (side == 1) if (father) current = father->right;
    if (side == 2) if (father) current = father->left;
    subTree = removeCurrent((*bst), current);
    if (side && father) { //Se o pai nao existir significa que a arvore possui apenas um no, que e a propria raiz
        if (side == 2) father->left = subTree;
        else father->right = subTree;
    else (*bst) = subTree;
    return 1;

void printBST(key* bst) {
    if (!bst) {
    printf("[%i] ", bst->info->value);

Header File:

#ifndef BST_H
#define BST_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ListaCircular.h"
#include <stdbool.h>

typedef struct key {
    info* info;
    struct key* left;
    struct key* right;

info* createInfoKey(int value);
key* createKey(info inf);
key* leftBST(key* key);
key* rightBST(key* key);
void listPreOrder(key* bst, node** first, node** last);
void listInOrder(key* bst, node** first, node** last);
void listPosOrder(key* bst, node** first, node** last);
key* rebuildTree(node** preListFirst, node* inListFirst, node** preListLast, node** inListLast);
void printBST(key* bst);
void printPreOrder(key* bst);
void printInOrder(key* bst);
void printPosOrder(key* bst);
int insertBST(key** bst, info info);
key* searchBST(key* bst, info info);
int searchBSTFather(key* bst, info info, key** father);
key* smaller(key* bst);
key* larger(key* bst);
int heightBST(key* bst);
key* removeCurrent(key* bst, key* current);
int removeBST(key** bst, info info);


Main File:

#include "BST.h"

int main() {
    int op, side = 0;
    bool result;
    key* bst = NULL, * aux = NULL, * father = NULL;
    node *first = NULL, *last = NULL, *first2 = NULL, *last2 = NULL;
    info info;
    puts("1-Inserir\n2-Remover\n3-Imprimir\n4-Buscar\n\n5-Altura\n6-Buscar menor chave\n7-Buscar Pai\n8-Remover atual");
    puts("9-Criar lista a partir de um percurso");

    do {
        scanf_s("%i", &op);
        switch (op) {
        case 1:
            puts("Informe um valor:");
            scanf_s("%i", &(info.value));
            printf("insercao: %i\n", insertBST(&bst, info));

        case 2:
            puts("Informe um valor:");
            scanf_s("%i", &(info.value));
            if (removeBST(&bst, info)) puts("Remocao bem sucedida");
            else puts("Erro na remocao");

        case 3:

        case 4:
            puts("Informe um valor:");
            scanf_s("%i", &(info.value));
            if (searchBST(bst, info)) puts("chave encontrada");
            else puts("chave nao encontrada");

        case 5:
            op = heightBST(bst) + 1;
            printf("altura: %i\n", op - 1);

        case 6:
            aux = smaller(bst);
            if (aux) if (aux->info) printf("%i\n", aux->info->value);

        case 7:
            puts("Informe um valor:");
            scanf_s("%i", &(info.value));
            side = searchBSTFather(bst, info, &father);
            if (father) printf("Pai: %i\n", father->info->value);
            printf("side: %i\n", side);

        case 8:
            puts("Informe um valor:");
            scanf_s("%i", &(info.value));
            aux = searchBST(bst, info);
            aux = removeCurrent(bst, aux);
            if (aux) printf("AUX: %i\n", aux->info->value);
            else puts("aux nao existe");

        case 9:
            scanf_s("%i", &op);
            if (op == 1) {
                listPreOrder(bst, &first, &last);
                puts("Lista pre Ordem:");
            if (op == 2) {
                listInOrder(bst, &first2, &last2);
                puts("Lista em Ordem:");
            if (op == 3) {
                listPosOrder(bst, &first2, &last2);
                puts("Lista em Ordem:");

    } while (op);

    return 0;
asked on Stack Overflow Dec 6, 2019 by ualaci • edited Dec 6, 2019 by ualaci

1 Answer


thanks, i've found the problem, it seems i forged to return the alocated info in the following function:

info* createInfoKey(int value) {
    info* newInfo = (info*)calloc(1, sizeof(info));
    if (!newInfo) return newInfo;
    newInfo->value = value;

it should be like this :

info* createInfoKey(int value) {
    info* newInfo = (info*)calloc(1, sizeof(info));
    if (!newInfo) return newInfo;
    newInfo->value = value;
    return newInfo;

thanks again.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 6, 2019 by ualaci

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