The problem is when i run some function in pycharm as an error occurs, the program suddenly stops without giving the result value. error code is
"Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)"
i asked 3 hours ago but i can't solved it. i tried all of suggest answers, but it didn't work. i referred to this and this then i tried all of solutions but it did't work. how can i solve this problem? do you have any idea without this solution?
def categorize_time(time):
if re.match('[0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]', time):
if time == '24:00:00':
num = 0
hr, mi, se = map(int, time.split(':'))
num = hr * 6 + mi
num = -1
return num
def determineBiddingPrice(t, n, bid_t, w, h, k):
encode = LabelEncoder()
rank = determineRank(t, n, bid_t, w, h, k)
if rank < n:
while rank < n:
rank = determineRank(t, n, bid_t, w, h, k)
bid_t -= 10
elif rank > n:
while rank > n:
bid_t += 10
rank = determineRank(t, n, bid_t, w, h, k)
return bid_t
def determineRank(t, n, bid_t, w, h, k):
encode = LabelEncoder()
# x = np.concatenate((t,n,bid_t,w,h,k),axis = 1).reshape(1,6,1)
t = categorize_time(t)
k = encode.fit_transform([k])
new_list = []
new_list = [t, n, bid_t, w, h, k]
new_list = np.array(new_list)
new_list = new_list.reshape(1, 6, 1)
model = load_model('C:/Users/26-0.691456.hdf5')
rank = model.predict(new_list)
rank = round(rank.item(0))
return rank
determineBiddingPrice("23:56:20", 5, 860, 5,0, "A")
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