Overloading <= operator but program ends with exit code -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)


I am trying to overload the <= operator but the program has an error

Process finished with exit code -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)


bool operator<=(const Date& d1, const Date& d2)
    return d1 <= d2;


cout << "Checking <=" << endl;
assert(Date(1,1,2000) <= Date(2,1,2000));
assert(!(Date(2,1,2000) <= Date(1,1,2000)));
assert(Date(2,1,2000) <= Date(1,2,2000));
assert(Date(2,2,2000) <= Date(1,1,2001));
cout << "Checking <= Complete!" << endl;

What is happening here?

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 17, 2019 by LtMuffin

1 Answer


In your case, you call the

bool operator<=(const Date& d1, const Date& d2)

indefinitely, wich goes out the stack eventually, because it is a recursion call. Try to compare directly the content of both your objects passed as parameters.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 17, 2019 by ltabis • edited Nov 17, 2019 by ltabis

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