IIS 7 throwing 500 errors for static content


I have configured an app pool with an integrated pipeline and .Net 4 framework. I am using Asp.Net MVC 3 to present my site...

My controllers and views are presenting properly, but references to my static content are all returning sporadic 500 errors from IIS.

For example: A direct request to /content/style.css returns a 500 error. The detailed error summary message indicates the handler in use is the "StaticFile" and the error code is "0x80070070"

I have granted the 'Everyone' user read access to my /content folder and all child objects. I have granted the 'Everyone' user full control over my App_Data folder that contains my SqlCompact database.

Any ideas what could be causing my web service to throw these errors?

asked on Stack Overflow May 4, 2011 by Jeff Fritz • edited May 4, 2011 by Jeff Fritz

1 Answer


The problem with this configuration turned out to be read-write access to the contents App_Data folder. SqlCompact generated a SDF file that needed to be marked as accessible to the web process. Once that was available, IIS started responding properly.

answered on Stack Overflow May 31, 2011 by Jeff Fritz

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