Find the address a Module is loadet into (memory)


I used CE to get a pointer to a value. I want to implement the pointer into my C++ Visual Studio Code. It has 3 Offsets.

What I already got:

  • Get the Process ID
  • Add the Offsets to the base address

What I need:

  • The """base address"""

Problem: I'm not sure if that what I am really looking for is the "base address".


What I need is the Value that = 0x141B6658 - 0x5C4C0 = 0x1415A198 = ???

How to get that 0x1415A198 automatically?

I first thought this is the base address of the Module "N3.dll", which would make sense..(?), but it doesn't seem like it is.

I'm grabbing the Module base address with modueentry32, handle=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, PID), me32.modBaseAddr

And that is something like

MODULE NAME:     N3.dll
     executable     = D:\xxx\xxx\xxx\N3.dll
     process ID     = 0x00003C2C
     ref count (g)  =     0x0004
     ref count (p)  =     0x0004
     base address   = 0x53230000
     base size      = 401408

But that's not even close to the one I need

Thanks in Advance

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 14, 2019 by xKean • edited Nov 15, 2019 by xKean

1 Answer


You seem to expect that base address = 0x53230000 holds everything related to N3.dll. This isn't true; that's the base address where code and constants for N3.dll have been loaded. But anything allocated by new will be allocated memory at runtime. There are no module offsets involved in that.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 14, 2019 by MSalters

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