i use Ironbarcode to read barcodes on an image, but i always get the exception message:
System.MissingMethodException HResult=0x80131513 Message=Method not found: 'System.Collections.IEnumerator PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPages.GetEnumerator()'。 Source=IronBarCode
I never use Pdfsharp in this project and can't figure out why i got this message! Could anyone help me?
using ironbarcode;
BarcodeResult result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode(@"barcode_testing1.jpg");
Console.WriteLine($"Barcoe Text: {result.Value}");
It is because of the PDFsharp version issue.
try with below version
package id="PDFsharp" version="1.32.3057.0" targetFramework="net472"
For beginners: add the above above line in package.json. if you are using VS then right click on solution -> click on Restore NuGet Packages.
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