How to convert uint to int in C with minimal loss of result range


I want the difference between two unbounded integers, each represented by a uint32_t value which is the unbounded integer taken modulo 2^32. As in, for example, TCP sequence numbers. Note that the modulo 2^32 representation can wrap around 0, unlike more restricted questions that do not allow wrapping around 0.

Assume that the difference between the underlying unbounded integers are in the range of a normal int. I want this signed difference value. In other words, return a value within the normal int range that is equivalent to the difference of the two uint32_t inputs modulo 2^32.

For example, 0 - 0xffffffff = 1 because we assume that the underlying unbounded integers are in int range. Proof: if A mod 2^32 = 0 and B mod 2^32 = 0xffffffff, then (A=0, B=-1) (mod 2^32) and therefore (A-B=1) (mod 2^32) and in the int range this modulo class has the single representative 1.

I have used the following code:

static inline int sub_tcp_sn(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
    uint32_t delta = a - b;

    // this would work on most systems
    return delta;

    // what is the language-safe way to do this?

This works on most systems because they use modulo-2^32 representations for both uint and int, and a normal modulo-2^32 subtraction is the only reasonable assembly code to generate here.

However, I believe that the C standard only defines the result of the above code if delta>=0. For example on this question one answer says:

If we assign an out-of-range value to an object of signed type, the result is undefined. The program might appear to work, it might crash, or it might produce garbage values.

How should a modulo-2^32 conversion from uint to int be done according to the C standard?

Note: I would prefer the answer code not to involve conditional expressions, unless you can prove it's required. (case analysis in the explanation of the code is OK).

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 5, 2019 by personal_cloud • edited Nov 7, 2019 by personal_cloud

1 Answer


There must be a standard function that does this... but in the meantime:

#include <stdint.h>  // uint32_t
#include <limits.h>  // INT_MAX
#include <assert.h>  // assert

static inline int sub_tcp_sn(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
    uint32_t delta = a - b;
    return delta <= INT_MAX ? delta : -(int)~delta - 1;

Note that it is UB in the case that the result is not representable, but the question said that was OK.

If the system has a 64-bit long long type, then the range can easily be customized and checked as well:

typedef long long sint64_t;

static inline sint64_t sub_tcp_sn_custom_range(uint32_t a, uint32_t b,
                             sint64_t out_min, sint64_t out_max)
    assert(sizeof(sint64_t) == 8);
    uint32_t delta = a - b;
    sint64_t result = delta <= out_max ? delta : -(sint64_t)-delta;
    assert(result >= out_min && result <= out_max);
    return result;

For example, sub_tcp_sn_custom_range(0x10000000, 0, -0xf0000000LL, 0x0fffffffLL) == -0xf00000000.

With the range customization, this solution minimizes range loss in all situations, assuming timestamps behave linearly (for example, no special meaning to wrapping around 0) and a singed 64-bit type is available.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 5, 2019 by personal_cloud • edited Nov 8, 2019 by personal_cloud

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