I'm trying to call a registered COM interface (Inproc dll) in an Eclipse C++ environment (MinGW GCC toolchain). I therefore don't believe that I can simply import the dll typelib the way I typically would in Visual C++. I'm trying to define the interface myself to simplify the function calls rather than using Invoke.
The IDL for the interface out of oleview looks like:
helpstring("IXSequence Interface"),
dispinterface IXSequence {
[id(0x00000001), helpstring("method Close")]
void Close();
[id(0x00000002), helpstring("method New")]
void New();
[id(0x00000003), helpstring("method Open")]
void Open(
BSTR FileName,
long ReadOnly);
[id(0x00000004), helpstring("method Save")]
void Save(
BSTR UserName,
BSTR Comment,
long Overwrite);
[id(0x00000005), helpstring("method SaveAs")]
void SaveAs(
BSTR FileName,
BSTR UserName,
BSTR Comment,
long Overwrite);
[id(0x00000006), propget, helpstring("property Header")]
VARIANT Header();
[id(0x00000007), propget, helpstring("property AuditDataCollection")]
VARIANT AuditDataCollection();
[id(0x00000008), propget, helpstring("property Samples")]
VARIANT Samples();
[id(0x00000009), propget, helpstring("property BracketType")]
XBracketTypes BracketType();
[id(0x00000009), propput, helpstring("property BracketType")]
void BracketType([in] XBracketTypes rhs);
[id(0x0000000a), propget, helpstring("property UserLabel")]
BSTR UserLabel(short Index);
[id(0x0000000a), propput, helpstring("property UserLabel")]
void UserLabel(
short Index,
[in] BSTR rhs);
[id(0x0000000b), propget, helpstring("property TrayConfiguration")]
BSTR TrayConfiguration();
[id(0x0000000b), propput, helpstring("property TrayConfiguration")]
void TrayConfiguration([in] BSTR rhs);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, helpstring("property FileName")]
BSTR FileName();
[id(0x0000000d), propget, helpstring("property NewFile")]
long NewFile();
I've attempted to define the interface in my own header file like this:
const GUID CLSID_XcalFiles = { 0x9293C754, 0xB073, 0x11D2, {0xBD, 0x89, 0x00, 0x60, 0x97, 0x8E, 0xEB, 0x9C } };
const IID IID_IXSequence = { 0x9293C753, 0xB073, 0x11D2, {0xBD, 0x89, 0x00, 0x60, 0x97, 0x8E, 0xEB, 0x9C } };
typedef enum {
XUnspecified = 0,
XOverlapped = 1,
XNonBracketed = 2,
XNonOverlapped = 3,
XOpen = 4
} XBracketTypes;
enum XSampleTypes
XSampleUnknown = 0,
XSampleBlank = 1,
XSampleQC = 2,
XSampleStdClear = 3,
XSampleStdUpdate = 4,
XSampleStdBracket = 5,
XSampleStdBracketStart = 6,
XSampleStdBracketEnd = 7,
XSampleProgram = 8,
XSampleNumbersOfDifferentTypes = 9
STDMETHOD_(void, Open)(THIS_ BSTR FileName, long ReadOnly)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, Save)(THIS_ BSTR UserName, BSTR Comment, long Overwrite)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, SaveAs)(THIS_ BSTR FileName, BSTR UserName, BSTR Comment, long Overwrite)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(XBracketTypes, BracketType)(THIS)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, BracketType)(THIS_ XBracketTypes rhs)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(BSTR, UserLabel)(THIS_ short Index)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, UserLabel)(THIS_ short Index, BSTR rhs)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(BSTR, TrayConfiguration)(THIS)PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, TrayConfiguration)(THIS_ BSTR rhs)PURE;
This appears to work well for the method calls but not for the properties. When I attempt to call any of the property functions, I get access violations. It does however seem to work if I use something like
STDMETHOD(GetBracketType)(THIS_ XBracketTypes* rhs)PURE;
Does that make sense? Is there a better way to declare the properties for the COM interface so that I can use them like normal properties?
Usually, C++ interfaces are something like:
STDMETHOD(get_BracketType)(BracketType* BType);
STDMETHOD(put_BrackedType)(BracketType Btype);
Properties are generally going to have HRESULT return types... just like methods. They'll have a get_ or put_ prefix in front of the property name.
Not sure how the Eclipse C++ environment does this.
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