I'm currently doing a small project on risc-v. The problem is that, in a function, when I do something like this,
lw a3, 4(sp)
srli a2, a2, 16
srli a4, a4, 16
add a0, a2, a4
after executing add a0, a2, a4 the value of a2 and a4 also change. for e.g. if I comment out the add a0, a2, a4 and execute it, the result: a0 = 0x33333333, a2 = a4 = 0x00000000. If I add the "add" line, the result becomes : a0 = ax000063e3, a3=0x123392c8, a4=0x00000d6e, a2 = 0x00005675.
Even it is the last statement of the function, it also changes the value of the registers that are above it. (like a3)
Am I missing something about risc-v? is it not sequentially executed?
Also in the function to make the result become 0,
beq a1, zero, exit_loop
add a0, zero, zero
j finish
addi sp, sp, 28
But this returns 0x00000001.If I'm understanding the fundamental parts of risc-v, let me know. Thanks.
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