My code outputs a -1073741819 upon ecountering strcmp when working with a file


I am trying to make a code that reads from a txt file the names, genders, current relationships and current school. I try to identify if a letter in the txt file is for example "z" (as in a Woman) but every time it gets to strcmp it crashes and outputs with -1073741819

I've tried different methods of inputting stuff into strcmp, like using "" instead of char. That has not worked out though.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    FILE *f;
    if ((f=fopen("data.txt","r"))==NULL)
            printf("File cannot be opened or does not exist");
            char data[20],girl_c;
            int girl,high,college,divorced;
            girl_c = 'z';
            high = 0;
            college = 0;
            while (!feof(f))
                    printf("I've just read: %s\n",data);
                    if (strcmp(girl_c,data) == 0)
                            printf("Its a woman.");
            if (high > college)     //this is the end part of the code that i 
                                      premade, of course its not functioning 
                    printf("There are more divorced highschool girls (%d) than college girls (%d).",high,college);
            else if (college > high)
                    printf("There are more divorced college girls (%d) than highschool girls (%d).",college,high);
            else if (college == high)
                    printf("There is equal amount of divorced college (%d) and highschool girls (%d).",college,high);
                    printf("Data provided is insufficient or wrong.");

//code not yet finished as it cannot go past the strcmp and unless i fix its not worth going further

The problematic part is:

char data[20],girl_c;
int girl,high,college,divorced;
girl_c = 'z';
girl = 0;
high = 0;
college = 0;
while (!feof(f))
        printf("I've just read: %s\n",data);
        if (strcmp(girl_c,data) == 0)
                printf("Its a woman.");

It crashes on the strcmp.

the txt file is here: (Name; m = man, z = woman; s = single, v = married, r = divorced; z = elementary, s = high school, v = college)

As I said it goes to line 23 and then crashes and outputs with

Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005)   execution time : 1.202 s
Press any key to continue.
asked on Stack Overflow Oct 28, 2019 by TheBlue22 • edited Oct 28, 2019 by John Kugelman

1 Answer


For each line in your input file,fgets stops when it encounters a newline character \n. It includes this newline character in the array, which is then terminated by NULL '\0.

Keeping this in mind,you'll have to rephrase the declaration of girl_c in your code to:

char girl_c[] = "z\n";to include the character you are searching for and also the newline character.

        char data[20];
        char girl_c[] = "z\n";//declare girl_c as a character array
        int girl,high,college,divorced;
        high = 0;
        int i = 0;
        college = 0;
        while (!feof(f))//
                printf("I've just read: %s\n",data);
                if (strcmp(girl_c,data) == 0)//strcmp would work fine
                        printf("Its a woman.\n");

Or if you would still want to use a character constant girl_c = 'z';, you'll need to drop strcmp since it requires it's arguments to be character strings.

Your code should then measure like this....

    char data[20],girl_c;
    int girl,high,college,divorced;
    girl_c = 'z';
    high = 0;
    int i = 0;
    college = 0;
    while (!feof(f))//
                printf("I've just read: %s\n",data);
                if (girl_c == data[0])//compare 1st character of each line
                        printf("Its a woman.\n");
answered on Stack Overflow Oct 30, 2019 by Lily AB

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