I'm trying to learn RISC-V under the Jupiter environment (risc32) and I came across a problem asking me to write a recursive program with RISC-V. I can't seem to get the sw instruction to work, as it always gives an error: invalid address
I've tried different offsets, different registers etc. nothing seems to work
.globl __start
msg_input: .string "Enter a number: "
msg_result: .string "The result is: "
newline: .string "\n"
# prints msg_input
li a0, 4
la a1, msg_input
#read from standard input
li a0, 5
#initialize stack
addi x31, x0, 2
addi sp, x0, 800
mv x5, a0
jal x1, recfunc
mv t0, x5
addi sp, sp, -8
sw x1, 0(sp)
bge x5, x31, true
lw x1, 0(sp)
addi x10, x0, 1
addi sp,sp, 8
jalr x0, 0(x1)
div x5, x5, x31
jal x1, recfunc
lw x1, 0(sp)
addi sp,sp,8
mul x10, x10, x31
addi x10, x10, 1
jalr x0, 0(x1)
#prints msg_result
li a0, 4
la a1 msg_result
#prints the result in t0
li a0, 1
mv a1, t0
#ends the program with status code 0
li x5, 10
Error occurs at:
sw x1, 0 (x2)
(error) attempting to write to an invalid memory address 0x00000318
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