How do you create jump tables in x86/x64?


I'm currently learning x86/x64 asm and I wanted to try to make a jump table, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

The concept itself is not new to me, I just can't figure out why it doesn't work. I saw the usage of [ ] in a few times when I was researching this, but I'm not sure if it is the right way to do it.

var qword 10

main proc

    mov rax, var
    jmp [table]

qword subroutine, subroutine2


    mul var
    jmp back


    mul var
    jmp back

main endp

When I step through the code, and it skips the jmp instruction and on ret gives an access violation reading location 0x00000000 error

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 13, 2019 by NMITIMEN • edited Oct 13, 2019 by Peter Cordes

1 Answer


Note that as commented, MASM is ignores the []. Instead MASM goes by the type for a label. In this case, the problem is that the : after table (table:) makes label of type "code" that is normally used as a branch or call target, so jmp [table] or jmp table, branches to table as if it were code.

Removing the : and putting the qword (or dq could be used) on the same line, changes table to type qword, so jmp [table] or jmp table, loads the qword address at table into RIP and does the branch as wanted.

table   qword   subroutine, subroutine2

However, if you want to index into table, you'll either need to use a register to hold the offset of the table (like lea r9,table), or in the case of Visual Studio, go to project / properties / linker / system / enable large addresses : no (sets linker parameter /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO). I posted examples for both cases below.

This example works with ML64.EXE (MASM) from Visual Studio. The table can be in code or data section. If table is first line in data, lea generates {4C 8D 0D 79 E5 00 00}, if table is first line in code, lea geneates {4C 8D 0D E1 FF FF FF}. I don't know which is better for performance. It would seem that if the data cache is not being fully utilized, then it would keep a copy of the table the data cache.

tbl     dq      fun1, fun2, fun3            ;table

main    proc
        lea     r9,tbl
        mov     rax,0
main0:  jmp     qword ptr [r9+rax*8]
main1:: inc     rax
        cmp     rax,3
        jb      main0
        xor     eax,eax
main    endp

fun1    proc
        mov     rdx,1
        jmp     main1
fun1    endp

fun2    proc
        mov     rdx,2
        jmp     main1
fun2    endp

fun3    proc
        mov     rdx,3
        jmp     main1
fun3    endp


With Visual Studio linker parameter /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO, there no need to use a second register. The table can be in data or code section. If table is first line in data, jmp generates {FF 24 C5 00 00 3D 00}, if table is first line in code, jmp geneates {FF 24 C5 80 1A 2D 01}. I don't know which is better for performance. It would seem that if the data cache is not being fully utilized, then it would keep a copy of the table the data cache.

tbl     dq      fun1, fun2, fun3            ;table
main    proc
        mov     rax,0
main0:  jmp     qword ptr [tbl+rax*8]
main1:: inc     rax
        cmp     rax,3
        jb      main0
        xor     eax,eax
main    endp

fun1    proc
        mov     rdx,1
        jmp     main1
fun1    endp

fun2    proc
        mov     rdx,2
        jmp     main1
fun2    endp

fun3    proc
        mov     rdx,3
        jmp     main1
fun3    endp
answered on Stack Overflow Oct 14, 2019 by rcgldr • edited Oct 14, 2019 by rcgldr

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