Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 42883: operator does not exist: jsonb #> text


I have the following SQL query:

select distinct "Customers"."CustomerId"        as "CustomerId",
                "Customers"."FcmRegistrationId" as "FcmRegistrationId",
                "Customers"."FCMServerKey"      as "FCMServerKey",
                "Customers"."AppId"             as "AppId"
from "CustomerEvents"
         inner join "Customers" on "CustomerEvents"."CustomerId" = "Customers"."CustomerId"
where  "Customers"."AdvertiserId" = 16 and "Data" #> '{inner_id}' = '4249699';

It works nice in my SQL-editor-client (DataGrip). But when I use it with C# and I have the error from the title of this question.

Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 42883: operator does not exist: jsonb #> text

I will show you my code:

public class PartnerApiServices : IPartnerApiService
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _applicationDbContext;

    public PartnerApiServices(ApplicationDbContext applicationDbContext)
        _applicationDbContext = applicationDbContext;

    public IQueryable<CustomerForPartnerApiServiceModel> GetCustomerBySearchField(Advertiser advertiser, string searchValue)
        var rawSql = @"
            select distinct ""Customers"".""CustomerId""        as ""CustomerId"",
                            ""Customers"".""FcmRegistrationId"" as ""FcmRegistrationId"",
                            ""Customers"".""FCMServerKey""      as ""FCMServerKey"",
                            ""Customers"".""AppId""             as ""AppId""
            from ""CustomerEvents""
                     inner join ""Customers"" on ""CustomerEvents"".""CustomerId"" = ""Customers"".""CustomerId""
            where  ""Customers"".""AdvertiserId"" = @AdvertiserId and ""Data"" #> @SearchField = @SearchValue"; 

        var res = _applicationDbContext.BySearchFieldCustomerApiModels.FromSql(rawSql,
            new NpgsqlParameter("SearchField", advertiser.SearchField),
            new NpgsqlParameter("SearchValue", searchValue),
            new NpgsqlParameter<int>("AdvertiserId", advertiser.AdvertiserId));

        return res;

Any ideas how I can pass SearchField and SearchValue correctly?

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 9, 2019 by Aleksej_Shherbak • edited Oct 9, 2019 by Aleksej_Shherbak

2 Answers


To use a text parameter, instead of using #> use #>>. The former expects a jsonb parameter, whereas the latter expects a text parameter (see the PostgreSQL docs).

The reason your code works in DataGrip is that '{inner_id}' is an untyped literal embedded directly in your SQL, so PostgreSQL implicitly casts it to jsonb. However, when using a parameter with Npgsql, Npgsql sends a typed text parameter (Npgsql's parameters are (almost) always typed)), and so PostgreSQL complains about the mismatch.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 9, 2019 by Shay Rojansky

Add an explicit type cast so that PostgreSQL knows that the string literal is to be interpreted as array:

var rawSql = @"
            where  ""Data"" #>> CAST(@SearchField AS text[]) = @SearchValue"; 
answered on Stack Overflow Oct 9, 2019 by Laurenz Albe • edited Oct 9, 2019 by Laurenz Albe

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