First off thank you for taking the time to help me out. I'm new to Comp Architecture and MIPS and am passionate about learning this stuff so excuse the noobiness. Secondly before you say there are other discussions opened discussing this topic- i've tried & they don't fit into the current problem. I'm trying to modify my current program to search for null terminated character. instead of what's occuring to check for only the 4 characters before it exits. I'm using the MARS IDE and the KeyBoard & Display MMIO for this assignment
I've tried changing main: to just load the buffer and not the space for the 4 chars.
I've looked at the polling loop and the Branch in the loop and the Bne in getNchar. Maybe its just not clicking with me
Here's my main.
# Program to input and output a 4 character field
# Data area
.globl main
buffer: .space 80
# get 4 characters from the keyboard and save them in the buffer
la $a0, buffer
li $a1, 4
jal getNChar
# put 4 characters from the buffer to the display
la $a0, buffer # no need to move the characters (redundant move for illustration only)
li $a1, 4
jal putNChar
# Exit
li $v0, 10
Here is my GetString (currently working for 4Chars)
# Get n character procedure
# Memory mapped addresses of device fields.
.eqv kbInCtl 0xFFFF0000 # 0xFFFF0000 rcv contrl
.eqv kbInData 0xFFFF0004 # 0xFFFF0004 rcv data
.eqv dispOutCtl 0xFFFF0008 # 0xFFFF0008 tx contrl
.eqv dispOutData 0xFFFF000c # 0xFFFF000c tx data
# Pseudo code
# $t0 = 0
# while ($t0 < &a1) {
# loop until character is available
# move character to buffer address offset by $t0
# $t0+=1
# }
# return
# buffer address in $a0
# number of characters to read in $a1
.globl getNChar
la $t1,kbInCtl # set up register for input control word
li $t2, 0 # initialize counter
lw $t3,0($t1) # read rcv ctrl
andi $t3,$t3,0x0001 # extract ready bit
beq $t3,$0,loop # keep polling till ready
# move character
lb $t4,kbInData # read character into temporary register
add $t5, $a0, $t2 # calculate store address
sb $t4, 0($t5)
addi $t2, $t2, 1 # increment counter
slt $t5, $t2, $a1 # test for end of loop
bne $t5, $zero, loop
jr $ra # if end do return
And here is my PutString (also working with 4 Chars rn)
# put N Characters procedure
# Memory mapped addresses of device fields.
.eqv kbInCtl 0xFFFF0000 # 0xFFFF0000 rcv contrl
.eqv kbInData 0xFFFF0004 # 0xFFFF0004 rcv data
.eqv dispOutCtl 0xFFFF0008 # 0xFFFF0008 tx contrl
.eqv dispOutData 0xFFFF000C # 0xFFFF000c tx data
# Pseudo code
# $t2 = 0
# while ($t2 < &a1) {
# loop all previous output complete
# move character from buffer address offset by $t2 to disp out word
# $t2+=1
# }
# loop to be sure last character output before return
# return
# buffer address in $a0
# number of characters to output in $a1
.globl putNChar
la $t1,dispOutCtl # set up register for output control word
la $t5,dispOutData
li $t2, 0 # initialize counter
# j output
# loop until last character written out
loop: lw $t3,0($t1) # read disp ctrl
andi $t3,$t3,0x0001 # extract ready bit
beq $t3,$0,loop # poll till ready for next character
output: add $t4, $a0, $t2 # calculate output byte address
lbu $t6, 0($t4) # move byte to output field
sw $t6, ($t5)
addi $t2, $t2, 1 # increment counter
slt $t7, $t2, $a1 # test end of loop
bne $t7, $zero, loop
jr $ra # return
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