Is there a way to make a button press recursive in C# (press itself again)?


I want to make a button run some code, then press itself again in Windows Forms.

When I call the button itself I get the error:

       Source=<Cannot evaluate the exception source>
     <Cannot evaluate the exception stack trace>

I want to make a resource monitor program to get myself familiarized with C#. Right now I'm stuck at the string processing and displaying a constantly changing string. I'm using a randomly generated number as a placeholder, that I want to show and change permanently, imitating real data pulling.

The code I have:

public void Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
      var usage =new CpuUsage(); //placeholder class for getting the CPU use data
      usage.setCPU(); //gets a random number
      this.CPU.Text = usage.cpuUsage; //show the usage data on a textbox
      Start_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty); //call this button again here

What I want to get look something like:

  1. Get data
  2. Show data using text box
  3. Redo this
asked on Stack Overflow Sep 18, 2019 by RedXRed • edited Sep 18, 2019 by Jee Mok

1 Answer


I think what you're looking for is the Timer control. You can set it to run at a certain interval, and define the code that runs at that interval. You can also control the starting and stopping of the timer, if you want to only start it when a button is pressed.

For example, drop a Timer control on your form and try out this code:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Set the interval to how often you want it to execute
    timer1.Interval = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds;
    // Set a method to run on every interval
    timer1.Tick += Timer1_Tick;

public void Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // start or stop the timer
    timer1.Enabled = !timer1.Enabled;

    // Above we are just flipping the 'Enabled' property, but
    // you could also call timer1.Start() (which is the same as 
    // setting 'Enabled = true') or timer1.Stop() (which is
    // the same as setting 'Enabled = false')

// Put code in this method that should execute when the timer interval is reached
private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var usage = new CpuUsage(); //placeholder class for getting the CPU use data
    usage.setCPU(); //gets a random number
    this.CPU.Text = usage.cpuUsage; //show the usage data on a textbox
answered on Stack Overflow Sep 18, 2019 by Rufus L • edited Sep 18, 2019 by Rufus L

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