C++ Access Violation reading location 0xDDDDDDCD when I try to delete an array UPDATED


I'm working on a homework assignment. I'm trying to overload the "=" operator for an Array class I'm creating so that it will assign a newly created array with the same values as another array. This seems to work. The array is created and the data is copied over. I also check the location of the arrays first element and it is different than the original so I don't think it's trying to delete an array that's already deleted.

I've tried messing around with my destructor, but I honestly have no idea where this is coming from. If anyone has any debugging strategies that might help, I'd love to hear them as well.


    int main ()
        int size = 0;
        char fill = '\0';

            //Get info about the array
        std::cout << "How long should the array be?" << std::endl;
        std::cin >> size;
        std::cout << "Choose fill character." << std::endl;
        std::cin >> fill;

            //Create array & Print array details
        Array* arr = new Array(size, fill);
        std::cout << "The array size is: " << arr->size() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "max size: " << arr->max_size() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The contents of the array is: ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

        //Create new array & set it's values equal to old array
        Array* arr2 = new Array();
        arr2 = arr;

        std::cout << "The array size is: " << arr2->size() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "max size: " << arr2->max_size() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The contents of the array is: ";

        //Deallocate memory 
        delete arr;
        arr = nullptr;
        delete arr2;
        arr2 = nullptr;

        //Checking for memory leaks 

        return 0;

Array.cpp file

//Define MAX SIZE so that it can be easily changed.
#define MAX_SIZE_ 200

#include "Array.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>

Array::Array (void)
    :data_ (new char[MAX_SIZE_]), 
    cur_size_ (0), 
    max_size_ (MAX_SIZE_) 
{   }

//Overloaded Constructor 
//Assigns the initial size of the array and fills each element with the character stored in fill.
Array::Array (size_t length, char fill)
    : data_ (new char[length]), 
    cur_size_ (length), 
    max_size_ (length) 
    //Fill each element with the character passed in to the function.
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        this-> data_[i] = fill; 

    std::cout << &this->data_ << std::endl;

Array::~Array (void)
    delete[] this->data_;
    this->data_ = nullptr;

//Sets new array equal to rhs.
const Array & Array::operator = (const Array & rhs)
    //Set current and max size values to new array.
    this->max_size_ = rhs.max_size_;
    this->cur_size_ = rhs.cur_size_;

    //Copy data from rhs.data_ to new array's data_
    for(int i = 0; i < rhs.cur_size_; i++)
        this->data_[i] = rhs.data_[i];

    return *this;

//Print the contents of the array.
void Array::printArr(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < (this->cur_size_) ; i++)
        std::cout << this->data_[i];

Expected Results: The program displays information about the different arrays, then deletes them with no memory leaks.

Actual Results: The program displays all the correct data for both arrays and is able to delete the first array without a hitch, but runs into an exception when calling:

delete[] this->data_;

on the second array.

> Exception thrown at 0x5D13DB1B (ucrtbased.dll) in driver.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xDDDDDDCD

Thanks for any help!
asked on Stack Overflow Sep 14, 2019 by bonzi • edited Sep 14, 2019 by bonzi

1 Answer


When you do arr2 = arr; you copy the pointer (memorty address) hold by arr into arr2:

Array* arr2 = new Array();
arr2 = arr;

So after that call, both arr2 and arr hold the same pointer (point to the same object). As of that delete arr2; will delete the same object you already deleted when you did delete arr; two lines before:

delete arr;
arr = nullptr;
delete arr2;

So doing delete arr2; here causes already undefine behavior. At that point, anything could happen.

answered on Stack Overflow Sep 14, 2019 by t.niese • edited Sep 14, 2019 by t.niese

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