most efficient way to test for multiple NaNs in C#


I am looking for the fastest way to determine if there is at least one NaN in a float array.

  • Arrays can have from 0 to many NaN values.
  • Arrays to not have NaNs values in 95%+ of the cases.
  • When there is at least one NaN, the location is very random.

Let's say I have an array of floats:

var a = float[10000];

I can do this:

(let's ignore the loop itself, I know foreach it not the most efficient, it is just to illustrate)

bool hasNan(ref float[] floats)
    foreach (var f in floats)
        if (float.IsNaN(f)) return True;

    return False;

We know that in most cases, there are no NaNs, so I have to scan the whole array anyways. Instead of calling IsNaN for every element, would it make sense to:

  • compute a sum; if there is at least one NaN, the result will be NaN.
  • or, check for equality since if x = NaN, x is not equal to x, but it's probably what IsNaN does and it means one branch per check.
  • or, check with each element if x & 0x7fffffff >= 0x7f800000, (that includes infinity which the array shouldn't contain anyways)

The array is quite large and this is happening in a fairly tight timeframe as I'm processing streams of financial data coming in realtime.


Check the fiddle:

and look at the IL code generated.

When doing the float.IsNan method, the code is not inlined. The sum method seems faster, but I don't know enough about IL to really understand the details.

asked on Stack Overflow Sep 11, 2019 by Thomas • edited Sep 11, 2019 by Thomas

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