rasa unable to detect luis entities of regex, list type


I am using LUIS model(exported as json file) to build rasa_nlu using command "rasa train --out models\test.tar.gz"

Luis model has entities of type list and regex, which rasa_nlu model is unable to extract.

for example: LUIS Entity name: "Animal" LUIS Entity Type: "List" Elements in list would be like cat, dog, etc...

If i present string like "How to train dog"?

I am expecting "dog" to be mapped to "Animal" entity just like how LUIS does but rasa_nlu doesn't detect "dog" as entity since it is of type "list". If entity type is changed to "simple" rasa_nlu detects dog and classifies it as "Animal" entity type

Similarly, if luis entity type is of regex identified by "0x[a-f,0-9]{8}/i", rasa_nlu fails to detect it.

Are there any issues with rasa_nlu in detecting luis regex and list entity types or am i doing anything wrong?

below are the contents of json file used to train rasa

  "luis_schema_version": "3.2.0",
  "versionId": "0.1",
  "name": "Test",
  "desc": "",
  "culture": "en-us",
  "tokenizerVersion": "1.0.0",
  "intents": [
      "name": "error"
      "name": "None"
      "name": "wild"
  "entities": [],
  "composites": [],
  "closedLists": [
      "name": "animal",
      "subLists": [
          "canonicalForm": "dog",
          "list": []
          "canonicalForm": "cat",
          "list": []
      "roles": []
  "patternAnyEntities": [],
  "regex_entities": [
      "name": "ecode",
      "regexPattern": "0x[a-f,0-9]{8}",
      "roles": []
  "prebuiltEntities": [],
  "model_features": [],
  "regex_features": [],
  "patterns": [],
  "utterances": [
      "text": "error 0x80070055",
      "intent": "error",
      "entities": []
      "text": "error while browsing 0x90909090",
      "intent": "error",
      "entities": []
      "text": "how to train cat",
      "intent": "wild",
      "entities": []
      "text": "how to train dog",
      "intent": "wild",
      "entities": []
  "settings": []

appreciate your help!

asked on Stack Overflow Sep 11, 2019 by user1927998 • edited Sep 13, 2019 by user1927998

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