Md5 Implementation In Python : Problem in the final result


Guys i made the md5 function from scratch
I know that there is a library called hashlib but i challenged myself to do it
The script works without problem and i got as an output a hex string 32 in length but it's not the md5
the result that i got with this script is not what i got with hashlib or md5 encryption website
So please need you help to fix this problem
Sorry about my english
anyway that's the code :

import math
def txtbinary(str):
    binary_list = []
    for i in str:
        i = list(bin(ord(i)))
        if len(i) > 8:
    return ''.join(binary_list)

def decbinary(num):
    num = bin(num)
    num = list(num)
    num[1] = '0'
    return ''.join(num)

def append_0_1(x):
    x = txtbinary(x)
    x = list(x)
    while len(x)%512 != 448:
    return ''.join(x)

def appendlen(q):
    length = len(txtbinary(q))
    len_p = [decbinary(length)]
    for i in range(64-len(len_p[0])):
    q = append_0_1(q) + ''.join(len_p)
    return q

def toblocks(b):
    b = appendlen(b)
    blcks = []
    j = 0
    i = 0
    while i < 16:
    return blcks

def rhex(x):
    t = hex(x)
    return t[2::]

#MD5 Functions and Constants 

def F(x,y,z):
    return (x & y) | ((~x) & z)

def G(x,y,z):
    return (x & z) | (y & (~z))

def H(x,y,z):
    return x ^ y ^ z

def I(x,y,z):
    return y ^ (x | (~z))

def rotate_left(x,y):

    return (x << y)  | (x >> (32 - y))

def RoundFun(function,a,b,c,d,x,t,s):
    r = a + function(b,c,d) + int(x,2) + s
    r = r & 0xffffffff
    r = rotate_left(r, t)
    r = r & 0xffffffff
    r = r + b
    return r & 0xffffffff

gn_cts = []
for i in range(64):
    t =math.floor((2**32) * abs(math.sin(i + 1)))
def md5hash(txt):
    txt = toblocks(txt)

    AA = A = 1732584193 
    BB = B = -271733879 
    CC = C = -1732584194 
    DD = D = 271733878 

    Cts1 = [7, 12, 17, 22]
    Cts2 = [5, 9, 14, 20]
    Cts3 = [4, 11, 16, 23]
    Cts4 = [6, 10, 15, 21]

    #round 1
    A = RoundFun(F,A,B,C,D,txt[0],Cts1[0],gn_cts[0])
    D = RoundFun(F,D,A,B,C,txt[1],Cts1[1],gn_cts[1])
    C = RoundFun(F,C,D,A,B,txt[2],Cts1[2],gn_cts[2])
    B = RoundFun(F,B,C,D,A,txt[3],Cts1[3],gn_cts[3])
    A = RoundFun(F,A,B,C,D,txt[4],Cts1[0],gn_cts[4])
    D = RoundFun(F,D,A,B,C,txt[5],Cts1[1],gn_cts[5])
    C = RoundFun(F,C,D,A,B,txt[6],Cts1[2],gn_cts[6])
    C = RoundFun(F,B,C,D,A,txt[7],Cts1[3],gn_cts[7])
    A = RoundFun(F,A,B,C,D,txt[8],Cts1[0],gn_cts[8])
    D = RoundFun(F,D,A,B,C,txt[9],Cts1[1],gn_cts[9])
    C = RoundFun(F,C,D,A,B,txt[10],Cts1[2],gn_cts[10])
    B = RoundFun(F,B,C,D,A,txt[11],Cts1[3],gn_cts[11])
    A = RoundFun(F,A,B,C,D,txt[12],Cts1[0],gn_cts[12])
    D = RoundFun(F,D,A,B,C,txt[13],Cts1[1],gn_cts[13])
    C = RoundFun(F,C,D,A,B,txt[14],Cts1[2],gn_cts[14])
    B = RoundFun(F,B,C,D,A,txt[15],Cts1[3],gn_cts[15])

    A = RoundFun(G,A,B,C,D,txt[1],Cts2[0],gn_cts[16])
    D = RoundFun(G,D,A,B,C,txt[6],Cts2[1],gn_cts[17])
    C = RoundFun(G,C,D,A,B,txt[11],Cts2[2],gn_cts[18])
    B = RoundFun(G,B,C,D,A,txt[0],Cts2[3],gn_cts[19])
    A = RoundFun(G,A,B,C,D,txt[5],Cts2[0],gn_cts[20])
    D = RoundFun(G,D,A,B,C,txt[10],Cts2[1],gn_cts[21])
    C = RoundFun(G,C,D,A,B,txt[15],Cts2[2],gn_cts[22])
    B = RoundFun(G,B,C,D,A,txt[4],Cts2[3],gn_cts[23])
    A = RoundFun(G,A,B,C,D,txt[9],Cts2[0],gn_cts[24])
    D = RoundFun(G,D,A,B,C,txt[14],Cts2[1],gn_cts[25])
    C = RoundFun(G,C,D,A,B,txt[3],Cts2[2],gn_cts[26])
    B = RoundFun(G,B,C,D,A,txt[8],Cts2[3],gn_cts[27])
    A = RoundFun(G,A,B,C,D,txt[13],Cts2[0],gn_cts[28])
    D = RoundFun(G,D,A,B,C,txt[2],Cts2[1],gn_cts[29])
    C = RoundFun(G,C,D,A,B,txt[7],Cts2[2],gn_cts[30])
    B = RoundFun(G,B,C,D,A,txt[12],Cts2[3],gn_cts[31])

    #Round 3
    A = RoundFun(H,A,B,C,D,txt[5],Cts3[0],gn_cts[32])
    D = RoundFun(H,D,A,B,C,txt[8],Cts3[1],gn_cts[33])
    C = RoundFun(H,C,D,A,B,txt[11],Cts3[2],gn_cts[34])
    B = RoundFun(H,B,C,D,A,txt[14],Cts3[3],gn_cts[35])
    A = RoundFun(H,A,B,C,D,txt[1],Cts3[0],gn_cts[36])
    D = RoundFun(H,D,A,B,C,txt[4],Cts3[1],gn_cts[37])
    C = RoundFun(H,C,D,A,B,txt[7],Cts3[2],gn_cts[38])
    B = RoundFun(H,B,C,D,A,txt[10],Cts3[3],gn_cts[39])
    A = RoundFun(H,A,B,C,D,txt[13],Cts3[0],gn_cts[40])
    D = RoundFun(H,D,A,B,C,txt[0],Cts3[1],gn_cts[41])
    C = RoundFun(H,C,D,A,B,txt[3],Cts3[2],gn_cts[42])
    B = RoundFun(H,B,C,D,A,txt[6],Cts3[3],gn_cts[43])
    A = RoundFun(H,A,B,C,D,txt[9],Cts3[0],gn_cts[44])
    D = RoundFun(H,D,A,B,C,txt[12],Cts3[1],gn_cts[45])
    C = RoundFun(H,C,D,A,B,txt[15],Cts3[2],gn_cts[46])
    B = RoundFun(H,B,C,D,A,txt[2],Cts3[3],gn_cts[47])

    #Round 4
    A = RoundFun(I,A,B,C,D,txt[0],Cts4[0],gn_cts[48])
    D = RoundFun(I,D,A,B,C,txt[7],Cts4[1],gn_cts[49])
    C = RoundFun(I,C,D,A,B,txt[14],Cts4[2],gn_cts[50])
    B = RoundFun(I,B,C,D,A,txt[5],Cts4[3],gn_cts[51])
    A = RoundFun(I,A,B,C,D,txt[12],Cts4[0],gn_cts[52])
    D = RoundFun(I,D,A,B,C,txt[3],Cts4[1],gn_cts[53])
    C = RoundFun(I,C,D,A,B,txt[10],Cts4[2],gn_cts[54])
    B = RoundFun(I,B,C,D,A,txt[1],Cts4[3],gn_cts[55])
    A = RoundFun(I,A,B,C,D,txt[8],Cts4[0],gn_cts[56])
    D = RoundFun(I,D,A,B,C,txt[15],Cts4[1],gn_cts[57])
    C = RoundFun(I,C,D,A,B,txt[6],Cts4[2],gn_cts[58])
    B = RoundFun(I,B,C,D,A,txt[13],Cts4[3],gn_cts[59])
    A = RoundFun(I,A,B,C,D,txt[4],Cts4[0],gn_cts[60])
    D = RoundFun(I,D,A,B,C,txt[11],Cts4[1],gn_cts[61])
    C = RoundFun(I,C,D,A,B,txt[2],Cts4[2],gn_cts[62])
    B = RoundFun(I,B,C,D,A,txt[9],Cts4[3],gn_cts[63])

    A = (A + AA) & 0xffffffff
    B = (B + BB) & 0xffffffff
    C = (C + CC) & 0xffffffff
    D = (D + DD) & 0xffffffff
    return rhex(A) + rhex(B) + rhex(C) + rhex(D)

user_input = input('text : ')

asked on Stack Overflow Aug 20, 2019 by Mouad KHIAT

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