CUDA cuSolver gesvdj with large matrix


I am running a slightly modified version of the code found here under section "G.2. SVD with singular vectors (via Jacobi method)" on a NVIDIA P6000. The slight modifications are to dynamically allocate memory in the heap for the A, U, and V vectors and to fill the A vector of a specified size with values that depend on the index into A. I also converted everything from doubles to floats. The last modification is a loop over the gesvdj call itself and convergence checking up to some # of iterations (10 in my case).

With those slight modifications, I was able to overcome my first hurdle of performing an SVD on symmetric arrays bigger than ~1000x1000 in size. I eventually need to run an SVD on a array of size 1048576x20.

Currently, the algorithm runs for arrays of size 10000x20 but fails when I go to 50000x20.

The issue seems to be stemming from the gesvdj call itself. A synchronize call after calling gesvdj is failing and returning a generic access error.

If I run the program using cuda-memcheck I get a series of these errors for different threads in the same block:

Invalid __global__ write of size 4
=========     at 0x00000108 in void eye_kernel<float, int=5, int=3>(int, int, float*, int)
=========     by thread (0,7,0) in block (16,1342,0)
=========     Address 0x7f4ed40414c0 is out of bounds
=========     Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
=========     Host Frame:/lib64/ (cuLaunchKernel + 0x2c5) [0x269e85]
=========     Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/ [0x100c822]
=========     Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/ [0x100ca17]
=========     Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/ [0x1040dd5]
=========     Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/ [0x235c5d]
=========     Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/ (cusolverDnSgesvdj + 0x508) [0x21f9a8]
=========     Host Frame:./gesvdj_example [0x4518]
=========     Host Frame:/lib64/ (__libc_start_main + 0xf5) [0x223d5]
=========     Host Frame:./gesvdj_example [0x3ab9]

I'm wondering if I have hit some sort of cusolver internal limitation? Anyone have any ideas? I can provide my exact code if necessary, but its so similar to the example that I figured I would just point people there.


Edit to add the offending code from the example I linked to, the algorithm is failing at the assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status); line. I'm really new to coding in C and CUDA so sorry if there is some obvious debugging information I am leaving out.

/* step 5: compute SVD */
    status = cusolverDnDgesvdj(
        jobz,  /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR: compute singular values only */
               /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR: compute singular value and singular vectors */
        econ,  /* econ = 1 for economy size */
        m,     /* nubmer of rows of A, 0 <= m */
        n,     /* number of columns of A, 0 <= n  */
        d_A,   /* m-by-n */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of A */
        d_S,   /* min(m,n)  */
               /* the singular values in descending order */
        d_U,   /* m-by-m if econ = 0 */
               /* m-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1 */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of U, ldu >= max(1,m) */
        d_V,   /* n-by-n if econ = 0  */
               /* n-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1  */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of V, ldv >= max(1,n) */
    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

Edit 2 Adding my code...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cusolverDn.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include "cuda_runtime.h"

int main(int argc, char*argv[])

    //Setting which device to run on
    const int device = 0;

    cusolverDnHandle_t cusolverH = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    gesvdjInfo_t gesvdj_params = NULL;

    cusolverStatus_t status = CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat2 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat3 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat4 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat5 = cudaSuccess;
    const long int m = 50000;
    const long int n = 20;
    const int lda = m;

    // --- Setting the host, Nrows x Ncols matrix
    float *A = (float *)malloc(m * n * sizeof(float));
      for(long int j = 0; j < m; j++)
          for(long int i = 0; i < n; i++)
              A[j + i*m] = sqrt((float)(i + j));

    float *U = (float *)malloc(m * m * sizeof(float)); /* m-by-m unitary matrix, left singular vectors  */
    float *V = (float *)malloc(m * n * sizeof(float)); /* n-by-n unitary matrix, right singular vectors */
    float S[n];     /* numerical singular value */ 
    float *d_A = NULL;  /* device copy of A */
    float *d_S = NULL;  /* singular values */
    float *d_U = NULL;  /* left singular vectors */
    float *d_V = NULL;  /* right singular vectors */
    int *d_info = NULL;  /* error info */
    int lwork = 0;       /* size of workspace */
    float *d_work = NULL; /* devie workspace for gesvdj */
    int info = 0;        /* host copy of error info */

/* configuration of gesvdj  */
    const double tol = 1.e-7;
    const int max_sweeps = 100;
    const cusolverEigMode_t jobz = CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR; // compute eigenvectors.
    const int econ = 0 ; /* econ = 1 for economy size */

/* numerical results of gesvdj  */
    double residual = 0;
    int executed_sweeps = 0;

    printf("tol = %E, default value is machine zero \n", tol);
    printf("max. sweeps = %d, default value is 100\n", max_sweeps);
    printf("econ = %d \n", econ);

/* step 1: create cusolver handle, bind a stream */
    status = cusolverDnCreate(&cusolverH);
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusolverDnSetStream(cusolverH, stream);
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: configuration of gesvdj */
    status = cusolverDnCreateGesvdjInfo(&gesvdj_params);
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* default value of tolerance is machine zero */
    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjSetTolerance(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* default value of max. sweeps is 100 */
    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjSetMaxSweeps(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 3: copy A to device */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_A   , sizeof(float)*lda*n);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_S   , sizeof(float)*n);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_U   , sizeof(float)*lda*m);
    cudaStat4 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_V   , sizeof(float)*lda*n);
    cudaStat5 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_info, sizeof(int));
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat3);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat4);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat5);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, sizeof(float)*lda*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    /* step 4: query workspace of SVD */
    status = cusolverDnSgesvdj_bufferSize(
        jobz, /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR: compute singular values only */
              /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR: compute singular value and singular vectors */
        econ, /* econ = 1 for economy size */
        m,    /* nubmer of rows of A, 0 <= m */
        n,    /* number of columns of A, 0 <= n  */
        d_A,  /* m-by-n */
        lda,  /* leading dimension of A */
        d_S,  /* min(m,n) */
              /* the singular values in descending order */
        d_U,  /* m-by-m if econ = 0 */
              /* m-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1 */
        lda,  /* leading dimension of U, ldu >= max(1,m) */
        d_V,  /* n-by-n if econ = 0  */
              /* n-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1  */
        lda,  /* leading dimension of V, ldv >= max(1,n) */
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work , sizeof(float)*lwork);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 5: compute SVD */
    //Iterating over SVD calculation, not part of example
    int iters;
    for (iters = 10; iters > 0; iters--){

    status = cusolverDnSgesvdj(
        jobz,  /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR: compute singular values only */
               /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR: compute singular value and singular vectors */
        econ,  /* econ = 1 for economy size */
        m,     /* nubmer of rows of A, 0 <= m */
        n,     /* number of columns of A, 0 <= n  */
        d_A,   /* m-by-n */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of A */
        d_S,   /* min(m,n)  */
               /* the singular values in descending order */
        d_U,   /* m-by-m if econ = 0 */
               /* m-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1 */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of U, ldu >= max(1,m) */
        d_V,   /* n-by-n if econ = 0  */
               /* n-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1  */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of V, ldv >= max(1,n) */

    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(U, d_U, sizeof(float)*lda*m, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy(V, d_V, sizeof(float)*lda*n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMemcpy(S, d_S, sizeof(float)*n    , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat4 = cudaMemcpy(&info, d_info, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat5 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat3);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat4);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat5);

    if ( 0 == info ){
        printf("gesvdj converges \n");
    }else if ( 0 > info ){
        printf("%d-th parameter is wrong \n", -info);
        printf("WARNING: info = %d : gesvdj does not converge \n", info );
/* step 6: measure error of singular value */
    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjGetSweeps(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjGetResidual(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("residual |A - U*S*V**H|_F = %E \n", residual );
    printf("number of executed sweeps = %d \n\n", executed_sweeps );

/*  free resources  */
    if (A      ) free(A);
    if (V      ) free(V);
    if (U      ) free(U);
    if (d_A    ) cudaFree(d_A);
    if (d_S    ) cudaFree(d_S);
    if (d_U    ) cudaFree(d_U);
    if (d_V    ) cudaFree(d_V);
    if (d_info ) cudaFree(d_info);
    if (d_work ) cudaFree(d_work);

    if (cusolverH    ) cusolverDnDestroy(cusolverH);
    if (stream       ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    if (gesvdj_params) cusolverDnDestroyGesvdjInfo(gesvdj_params);

    return 0;
asked on Stack Overflow Aug 7, 2019 by Will.Evo • edited Aug 8, 2019 by Will.Evo

1 Answer


Thank you to @talonmies for the help in diagnosing the problem. cusolver's gesvdj method has an economy mode which stores the U and V matrices in more economical arrays. The modifications I made to make the code work are simple.

econ = 1
U array size (mxn)
V array size (nxn)
ldv paramater = n

Code below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cusolverDn.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include "cuda_runtime.h"

int main(int argc, char*argv[])

    //Setting which device to run on
    const int device = 0;

    cusolverDnHandle_t cusolverH = NULL;
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    gesvdjInfo_t gesvdj_params = NULL;

    cusolverStatus_t status = CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat2 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat3 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat4 = cudaSuccess;
    cudaError_t cudaStat5 = cudaSuccess;
    const long int m = 1048576;
    const long int n = 20;
    const int lda = m;

    // --- Setting the host, Nrows x Ncols matrix
    float *A = (float *)malloc(m * n * sizeof(float));
      for(long int j = 0; j < m; j++)
          for(long int i = 0; i < n; i++)
              A[j + i*m] = sqrt((float)(i + j));

    float *U = (float *)malloc(m * n * sizeof(float)); /* m-by-m unitary matrix, left singular vectors  */
    float *V = (float *)malloc(n * n * sizeof(float)); /* n-by-n unitary matrix, right singular vectors */
    float S[n];     /* numerical singular value */ 
    float *d_A = NULL;  /* device copy of A */
    float *d_S = NULL;  /* singular values */
    float *d_U = NULL;  /* left singular vectors */
    float *d_V = NULL;  /* right singular vectors */
    int *d_info = NULL;  /* error info */
    int lwork = 0;       /* size of workspace */
    float *d_work = NULL; /* devie workspace for gesvdj */
    int info = 0;        /* host copy of error info */

/* configuration of gesvdj  */
    const double tol = 1.e-7;
    const int max_sweeps = 100;
    const cusolverEigMode_t jobz = CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR; // compute eigenvectors.
    const int econ = 1 ; /* econ = 1 for economy size */

/* numerical results of gesvdj  */
    double residual = 0;
    int executed_sweeps = 0;

    printf("tol = %E, default value is machine zero \n", tol);
    printf("max. sweeps = %d, default value is 100\n", max_sweeps);
    printf("econ = %d \n", econ);

/* step 1: create cusolver handle, bind a stream */
    status = cusolverDnCreate(&cusolverH);
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    cudaStat1 = cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    status = cusolverDnSetStream(cusolverH, stream);
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 2: configuration of gesvdj */
    status = cusolverDnCreateGesvdjInfo(&gesvdj_params);
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* default value of tolerance is machine zero */
    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjSetTolerance(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* default value of max. sweeps is 100 */
    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjSetMaxSweeps(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

/* step 3: copy A to device */
    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_A   , sizeof(float)*lda*n);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_S   , sizeof(float)*n);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_U   , sizeof(float)*lda*n);
    cudaStat4 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_V   , sizeof(float)*n*n);
    cudaStat5 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_info, sizeof(int));
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat3);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat4);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat5);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, sizeof(float)*lda*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    /* step 4: query workspace of SVD */
    status = cusolverDnSgesvdj_bufferSize(
        jobz, /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR: compute singular values only */
              /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR: compute singular value and singular vectors */
        econ, /* econ = 1 for economy size */
        m,    /* nubmer of rows of A, 0 <= m */
        n,    /* number of columns of A, 0 <= n  */
        d_A,  /* m-by-n */
        lda,  /* leading dimension of A */
        d_S,  /* min(m,n) */
              /* the singular values in descending order */
        d_U,  /* m-by-m if econ = 0 */
              /* m-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1 */
        lda,  /* leading dimension of U, ldu >= max(1,m) */
        d_V,  /* n-by-n if econ = 0  */
              /* n-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1  */
        n,  /* leading dimension of V, ldv >= max(1,n) */
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc((void**)&d_work , sizeof(float)*lwork);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

/* step 5: compute SVD */
    //Iterating over SVD calculation, not part of example
    int iters;
    for (iters = 10; iters > 0; iters--){ 
    status = cusolverDnSgesvdj(
        jobz,  /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR: compute singular values only */
               /* CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR: compute singular value and singular vectors */
        econ,  /* econ = 1 for economy size */
        m,     /* nubmer of rows of A, 0 <= m */
        n,     /* number of columns of A, 0 <= n  */
        d_A,   /* m-by-n */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of A */
        d_S,   /* min(m,n)  */
               /* the singular values in descending order */
        d_U,   /* m-by-m if econ = 0 */
               /* m-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1 */
        lda,   /* leading dimension of U, ldu >= max(1,m) */
        d_V,   /* n-by-n if econ = 0  */
               /* n-by-min(m,n) if econ = 1  */
        n,   /* leading dimension of V, ldv >= max(1,n) */

    cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy(U, d_U, sizeof(float)*lda*n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy(V, d_V, sizeof(float)*n*n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat3 = cudaMemcpy(S, d_S, sizeof(float)*n    , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat4 = cudaMemcpy(&info, d_info, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    cudaStat5 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat2);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat3);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat4);
    assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat5);

    if ( 0 == info ){
        printf("gesvdj converges \n");
    }else if ( 0 > info ){
        printf("%d-th parameter is wrong \n", -info);
        printf("WARNING: info = %d : gesvdj does not converge \n", info );
/* step 6: measure error of singular value */
    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjGetSweeps(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    status = cusolverDnXgesvdjGetResidual(
    assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);

    printf("residual |A - U*S*V**H|_F = %E \n", residual );
    printf("number of executed sweeps = %d \n\n", executed_sweeps );

/*  free resources  */
    if (A      ) free(A);
    if (V      ) free(V);
    if (U      ) free(U);
    if (d_A    ) cudaFree(d_A);
    if (d_S    ) cudaFree(d_S);
    if (d_U    ) cudaFree(d_U);
    if (d_V    ) cudaFree(d_V);
    if (d_info ) cudaFree(d_info);
    if (d_work ) cudaFree(d_work);

    if (cusolverH    ) cusolverDnDestroy(cusolverH);
    if (stream       ) cudaStreamDestroy(stream);
    if (gesvdj_params) cusolverDnDestroyGesvdjInfo(gesvdj_params);

    return 0;
answered on Stack Overflow Aug 8, 2019 by Will.Evo • edited Aug 9, 2019 by talonmies

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