Connection problem when changing password


I have a software which displays some tables from our SQL database. Now I want to add a tool, where I can change the password for my "testdummy" user.

I tried to open a connection again but it didn't help. If you need some additional code or informations, just write a comment.

Notice that I'm new to programming. I'm a apprentice and currently learning programming and administer databases. I know this is not the safest solution, but it's just a little task from my instructor. This software will not be released for customers.

Like I mentioned before, I tried to open a connection again before I want to change the password.

 public void Change()
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
            string connectionString = GetConnectionString();

            if (NewPassword.Password == NewPasswordAgain.Password && OldPassword.Password == GlobalData.Password)
                    SqlConnection.ChangePassword($"Data Source={GlobalData.ServerName};Initial Catalog={GlobalData.DBName};UID={GlobalData.Username};PWD={OldPassword}", $"{NewPassword}");
                catch (SqlException ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to change password. Try again!" + ex);
                // If new Password doesn't match.
                MessageBox.Show("Passwords doesn't match!");

I'm getting a SQL exception when I am trying to change the password.

(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'csharptest'.

I get this at:

SqlConnection.ChangePassword($"Data Source={GlobalData.ServerName};Initial Catalog={GlobalData.DBName};UID={GlobalData.Username};PWD={OldPassword}", $"{NewPassword}");

At this point of the programm, there should be a connection to the database, because I can handle some tables and manipulate the data sets.

But when I uncomment this:


It goes into the catch brackets there:

public bool TryConnect(string connectionString)
            conn = new SqlConnection();
            conn.ConnectionString = connectionString;

                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Couldn't connect");
                return false;

and returns following exception:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'Die ConnectionString-Eigenschaft wurde nicht initialisiert.'

In english it should be something like: "the connectionstring property has not been initialized"

Edit: In the logs I'm getting this:

Login failed for user 'csharptest'. Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided.

Edit: Instead of:

SqlConnection.ChangePassword($"Data Source={GlobalData.ServerName};Initial Catalog={GlobalData.DBName};UID={GlobalData.Username};PWD={OldPassword}", $"{NewPassword}");

I did this:

string updatePassword = "USE CSHARPTEST ALTER LOGIN [" + GlobalData.Username + "] WITH PASSWORD =  '" + NewPassword + "'";

And now I think the only problem is the permission on the server.

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 24, 2019 by David F. • edited Jun 25, 2019 by David F.

1 Answer


You need to use parameters at the DbContext level. See this answer for more details, but, here's a code example (adapted from that same page):

string sql = "ALTER LOGIN @loginName WITH PASSWORD = @password";
    new SqlParameter("loginName", loginName),
    new SqlParameter("password", password));

The purpose of using the parameters here (and everywhere) is to prevent a SQL injection attack. This is especially important given that you are writing code that changes a password.


The ALTER LOGIN statement won't work with variables; it must be done through dynamic SQL. Here's an example of the updated code:

string sql = @"DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(500)
               SET @sql = 'ALTER LOGIN ' + QuoteName(@loginName) + 
                    ' WITH PASSWORD= ' + QuoteName(@password, '''') 
               EXEC @sql ";
    new SqlParameter("loginName", loginName),
    new SqlParameter("password", password));

Note we're still using the SqlParameters to prevent SQL injection attacks. We are also using the T-SQL method QuoteName to do proper quoting in the SQL we are generating; but this method simply doubles any [ characters (in the first call) or ' characters (in the second). There are many other vectors for a SQL injection attack, so merely relying on QuoteName wouldn't be enough.

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 25, 2019 by SmartestVEGA

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