System.ObjectDisposedException - Using SQL Connection within Using Block


System.ObjectDisposedException HResult=0x80131622 Message=Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'SQLiteConnection'.

I've written a simple repository that uses Dapper and DapperExtensions

When trying to retrieve some results, I get this error when using a Usingblock after the method returns to the view model. When replacing the Using block with Open/Close methods of the connection I don't receive an error. I feels like the issue is very simple, but I just don't see it.

My "base" DB repository

using System.Data.SQLite;

namespace WpfApp1.Data
    public class SqliteBaseRepository
        public static string DbFile
            get { return @"D:\PROJECTS\test.db"; }
            //get { return Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\SimpleDb.sqlite"; }

        public SQLiteConnection DbConnection()//dbconnection
            return new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + DbFile);

Generic Repository:

    public class Repository<TPoco, TDatabase> 
            where TPoco : class
            where TDatabase : SqliteBaseRepository, new()

            private TDatabase DB = new TDatabase();

            public IEnumerable<TPoco> FindAll(object predicate=null)
                IEnumerable<TPoco> result;
                using (var cnn = DB.DbConnection())
                    //var cnn = DB.DbConnection();
                    result = cnn.GetList<TPoco>(predicate);
                return result;

In my View-Model's constructor, I get an error here:

public PartViewModel()
    var x = _PartRepository.FindAll();  //no error. There are results/data in here
    var y = new ObservableCollection<Part>(x); //error raised here

Using Open/Close instead of the Using block does not yield an error:

public IEnumerable<TPoco> FindAll(object predicate=null)
                    IEnumerable<TPoco> result;
                    var cnn = DB.DbConnection();
                    var result = cnn.GetList<TPoco>(predicate);
                    return result;
asked on Stack Overflow Jun 17, 2019 by GisMofx • edited Jun 17, 2019 by GisMofx

1 Answer


You need to iterate the result inside the using block:

using (var cnn = DB.DbConnection())
    //var cnn = DB.DbConnection();
    result = cnn.GetList<TPoco>(predicate);
    result = result.ToList();  // fetch records now 
return result;

A Linq query is 'lazy', the actual Db I/O is postponed. In your original case til after you closed the connection.

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 17, 2019 by Henk Holterman

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