How to print 80-bit double extended precision floating point number in assembly x8086?


I'm working on a homework assignment, and want to print a 80-bit double extended precision number via printf. The number is calculated by some scaling function and using gdb i see it calculates the right number. I point to the block of 10 bytes using a some pointer named var1 defined in section bss as: var1: rest 1 then var1 points to a block of 10 bytes in the memory.

So far i tried to push the 10 bytes into the stack and then printing the number with format %f or %lf, both failed to print the number, also i noticed using qword and pushing 4 bytes twice into the stack (part of the number worked well), but i'm required using tword definition.

  push ebp                  ;; Pushing Base pointer (contains address of current activation frame
                            ;; which is actually the return address of the caller) to the stack

  mov ebp, esp              ;; Overrides ebp value to Stack pointer's value which contains the
                            ;; address of last used dword in the stack.

  pushad                    ;; Push all significant registers (8 general purpose registers)
                            ;; onto the stack (backup registers values)

  mov ebx, [ebp + 12]       ;; Upper bound
  sub dword ebx, [ebp + 8]  ;; Substruct ebx with the Lower bound
  mov ecx, [ebp + 16]       ;; get the pointer of the result contianer


  mov eax, dword [seed]
  mul ebx
  push eax
  fild dword [esp]
  add esp, 4
  push 0x0000FFFF
  fidiv dword [esp]
  add esp, 4
  fiadd dword [ebp + 8]
  fstp tword [ecx]


  return_from_function ; macro for quiting the function

right now ecx points to var1

the rest of the code:

  push dword var1
  push 100
  push 40

  call scale_number

  ;; Floating point tester TWORD
  sub esp, 10
  mov ebx, 0
    mov eax, [var1 + ebx]
    mov [esp + ebx], eax
    inc ebx
    cmp ebx, 10
    jne .loop4

  push format_fp ;; using "%f" , 10, 0 as the format_fp
  call printf
  add esp, 14

  jmp exit

the output i have is -0.000000, but my expected output is 80. something..

asked on Stack Overflow May 16, 2019 by Ilan Naiman

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