I am writing a VB.NET add-on for Solidworks, in which I first need to connect to an already running instance of Solidworks (similarly to how such connections are made to Excel). I am using Marshal.GetActiveObject
Sub ConnectToSolidworks()
Const PROG_ID As String = "SldWorks.Application"
Dim progType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID(PROG_ID)
If progType Is Nothing Then MSG("Cannot detect a valid Solidworks installation.") : End : Application.Exit()
'connect to Solidworks
swApp = TryCast(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject(PROG_ID), SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.ISldWorks)
Catch ex As Exception
printException(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex)
End Try
'check if connected
If swApp Is Nothing Then
MSG("Unable to connect to Solidworks.")
End If
End Sub
Unfortunately, there is a problem. If Solidworks is launched as an Administrator, and my application is not, or vice versa, Marshal.GetActiveObject
fails with HRESULT: 0x800401E3 exception.
However, I need my application to work without administrative access, and regardless of whenever Solidworks was launched as administrator.
The reason why I'm not using Interaction.CreateObject
, Interaction.GetObject
or System.Activator.CreateInstance
, is because these methods will launch Solidworks on their own if it is not running already, which I want to avoid at all costs.
With that in mind, how can I get Marshal.GetActiveObject
to work when the elevation levels mismatch, or is there yet some another way to get this done?
EDIT: I tried Interaction.GetObject again
, and it also throws an exception if elevation levels mismatch ("Cannot create ActiveX component").
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