BraintreeHttp-Dotnet.dll | I need to strongly sign this assembly to use in a .Net 4.6.1 project


The Version 2 checkout PayPalCheckoutSdk depends on BraintreeHttp-Dotnet.dll. The PayPalCheckoutSdk is strongly signed for use in .Net 4.6.1 however the BraintreeHttp-Dotnet.dll is not strongly signed. This makes the PayPalHttpClient throw an exception when accessed:

"Could not load file or assembly 'BraintreeHttp-Dotnet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)"

The BraintreeHttp-DotNet.dll is not available on their github site so I'm unable to add my own key to strongly sign it.

I'm in a catch 22 situation as I must compile my project in .Net rather than .Net Standard.

Is there a solution available - or workaround?

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 5, 2019 by David

1 Answer


Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.

We added Strong Naming support in version 2.54.0 of our .NET SDK. I would ensure that you are at least on this version, but highly recommend using the latest version which is 4.11.0.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 9, 2019 by Jax

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