I create a visual studio installer project on visual studio 2017 for word add-in. The registry is not set when installing it. What do I do wrong during the process?
I have a MyWordAddIn solution which when running through visual studio correctly open Word 2016 and launch the add-in. I went to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Word/Addins/ and find the myAddIn folder which has been created by visual studio during the debug run. I now no that I must add 3 string value :
Manifest : file:///[the local directory]/MyWordAddIn.vsto|vstolocal
Description : "MyWordAddInName"
FriendlyName : "My word Add-In name"
and 1 binary value :
LoadBehavior : 0x00000003
Back to My Installer Project MyWordAddInSetup : right click on it > view > File System : In the Application Folder I added the Assembly used by my project, the primary output, the manifest and the MyWordAddIn.vsto file.
right click on MyWordAddInSetup > view > Launch Conditions : set the right .NET FrameWork (4.7.2)
right click on MyWordAddInSetup > view > Registry : In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE I created the following key tree : SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Word/Addins/MyWordAddIns
Then, I added three string value in MyWordAddIns :
Manifest : file:///[INSTALLDIR]/MyWordAddIn.vsto|vstolocal
Description : "MyWordAddInName"
FriendlyName : "My word Add-In name"
and 1 binary value :
LoadBehavior : 0x00000003
When Installing my MyWordAddIns, the Assembly, dll, manifest and vsto file are well created inside the chosen folder. But the local registry is not set with the value I wanted.
If I create it myself then the add-In is correctly added in Word 2016.
I tried to create a simple key 'Test' in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the Registry tab of my MyWordAddIns installer. And even that, the 'Test' folder does not appear in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry of my machine.
If I set those registry valuenot in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE but in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER it well create the values.
Any solution to corectly set the values in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ?
I found the problem. It was a user mistake. To have the key values set in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE you must click on 'Everyon' button during the Installation
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