Registry not set using Visual Studio 2017 Installer Project


I create a visual studio installer project on visual studio 2017 for word add-in. The registry is not set when installing it. What do I do wrong during the process?

I have a MyWordAddIn solution which when running through visual studio correctly open Word 2016 and launch the add-in. I went to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Word/Addins/ and find the myAddIn folder which has been created by visual studio during the debug run. I now no that I must add 3 string value :

  • Manifest : file:///[the local directory]/MyWordAddIn.vsto|vstolocal

  • Description : "MyWordAddInName"

  • FriendlyName : "My word Add-In name"

    and 1 binary value :

  • LoadBehavior : 0x00000003

Back to My Installer Project MyWordAddInSetup : right click on it > view > File System : In the Application Folder I added the Assembly used by my project, the primary output, the manifest and the MyWordAddIn.vsto file.

enter image description here

right click on MyWordAddInSetup > view > Launch Conditions : set the right .NET FrameWork (4.7.2)

right click on MyWordAddInSetup > view > Registry : In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE I created the following key tree : SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Word/Addins/MyWordAddIns

Then, I added three string value in MyWordAddIns :

  • Manifest : file:///[INSTALLDIR]/MyWordAddIn.vsto|vstolocal

  • Description : "MyWordAddInName"

  • FriendlyName : "My word Add-In name"

    and 1 binary value :

  • LoadBehavior : 0x00000003

Preview of the registry tab

When Installing my MyWordAddIns, the Assembly, dll, manifest and vsto file are well created inside the chosen folder. But the local registry is not set with the value I wanted.

If I create it myself then the add-In is correctly added in Word 2016.

I tried to create a simple key 'Test' in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the Registry tab of my MyWordAddIns installer. And even that, the 'Test' folder does not appear in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry of my machine.

If I set those registry valuenot in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE but in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER it well create the values.

Any solution to corectly set the values in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ?

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 3, 2019 by Ystalio Di Staniovich • edited Jun 20, 2020 by Community

1 Answer


I found the problem. It was a user mistake. To have the key values set in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE you must click on 'Everyon' button during the Installation enter image description here

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