is there a frame size limitation in opencv VideoWriter?


When using opencv to save a bunch of pictures to a video file the file won't open unless I resize the image: (Windows error - "This item is in a format we don't support. 0xc00d36b4")

My code looks like this:

import cv2
import os

input_path = "input_images_folder_path"
imgs_lst = os.listdir(r"C:\Users\...\input_path")
outvid_path = r"C:\Users\...\output.avi"

image0 = input_path +"\\"+ imgs_lst[0]
img0 = cv2.imread(image)    
size = (int(img0.shape[1]), int(img0.shape[0]))

fps = 12.0
is_color = True
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"XVID")

vid = cv2.VideoWriter(outvid_path, fourcc, 10.0, size, True)

for i in range(0,50):# int(len(imgs_lst))):

    image = input_path +"\\"+ imgs_lst[i]
    img = cv2.imread(image,1)
    img = cv2.resize(img, size) #tried to comment this out... wont work either
    cv2.imshow("img", img)



if I resize -

size = (int(img0.shape[1]/2), int(img0.shape[0]/2))
  • all works well. My question is whether or not there is a limit on the frame size. I found some other answers regarding the output file size limitation, but nothing about the single frame shape.

(changing fps, format didn't work either)

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 1, 2019 by Frank Musteman • edited Apr 1, 2019 by Frank Musteman

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