Access violation reading location when push_back Mat in another Mat


I want write simple code to extract HOG features and then train SVM. but this exception occur, i try different OpenCV versions like 3.4.5 and 4.0 but not differ.

cv::HOGDescriptor hogDetector = cv::HOGDescriptor();
    hogDetector.winSize = cv::Size(256, 256);
    hogDetector.blockSize = cv::Size(64, 64);
    hogDetector.blockStride = cv::Size(192, 192);
    hogDetector.cellSize = cv::Size(32, 32);

and function return HOG features :

cv::Mat computeHOG(cv::Mat img)
    std::vector<float> descriptors;
    std::vector<cv::Point> locations;
    hogDetector.compute(img, descriptors, cv::Size(8, 8), cv::Size(0, 0), locations);
    cv::Mat row = cv::Mat(descriptors);
    return row;

and main code for extract features :

cv::Mat trainFeatures;
cv::Mat trainLables;
while (!PFile.eof())
        std::string name; std::getline(PFile, name);
        std::vector<std::string> parts = splitString(name, ' ');
        cv::Mat img = cv::imread(basePath + parts[0]);
        cv::cvtColor(img, img, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        cv::resize(img, img,cv::Size(1250, 320));
        cv::Mat f = computeHOG(img);

exception occur in line : trainFeatures.push_back(f);, and f shape is 1 * 1 * 162000

full exception :

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFF5A9C17E5 (opencv_world345d.dll) in vehicleRecognition.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000002A830658140.
asked on Stack Overflow Mar 10, 2019 by ali kiani

1 Answer


in debugging i found f Mat (HOG features) is FLOAT32 but trainFeatures is UINT8, first i change cv::Mat trainFeatures; to cv::Mat trainFeatures = cv::Mat1f(); but not differ and again change it to cv::Mat trainFeatures = cv::Mat(1, 162000,CV_32FC1); and work, fixed issue. and also change row with : row = row.reshape(1, 1);

I don't know why fixed issue and it's weird why OpenCV automatically can't detect its. if you have better solution please write it.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 10, 2019 by ali kiani • edited Mar 10, 2019 by ali kiani

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