assembly - lldb can't find correct debug information on macOS


I'm learning assembly language on macOS 10.14, and my assembler nasm's version is 2.14.02, linker ld's version is ld64-409.12, debugger lldb's version is lldb-1000.11.38.2.

I have a source code file named test.asm, and I use

nasm -f macho64 -F dwarf -g test.asm
ld -e _start -o test test.o -lSystem

And I use lldb to debug:

lldb test

When I want to set breakpoints at certain line like:

(lldb)b test.asm:3

It turns out that:

error: parsing line table prologue at 0x00000000 (parsing ended around 0x00000006
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.

I use

nm -pa test

to check the debug information, and it turns out:

0000000000000000 - 00 0000    SO xxxx(the directory)
0000000000000000 - 00 0000    SO test.asm
000000005c70cdfd - 03 0001   OSO xxxx/test.o
0000000000001f88 - 01 0000 BNSYM
0000000000001f88 - 01 0000   FUN _start
0000000000000078 - 00 0000   FUN
0000000000000078 - 01 0000 ENSYM
0000000000002000 - 02 0000 STSYM query_string
0000000000002014 - 02 0000 STSYM out_string
0000000000002025 - 03 0000 STSYM in_char
0000000000000000 - 01 0000    SO
0000000000002000 d query_string
0000000000002014 d out_string
0000000000000011 a out_string_len
0000000000000014 a query_string_len
0000000000002025 b in_char
0000000000001000 T __mh_execute_header
0000000000001f88 T _start
                 U dyld_stub_binder

And if I use

dsymutil -dump-debug-map test

It turns out

triple:          'x86_64-apple-darwin'
binary-path:     test
  - filename:        xxxx/test.o
    timestamp:       1550896637
      - { sym: in_char, objAddr: 0x000000000000009D, binAddr: 0x0000000000002025, size: 0x00000000 }
      - { sym: query_string, objAddr: 0x0000000000000078, binAddr: 0x0000000000002000, size: 0x00000000 }
      - { sym: _start, objAddr: 0x0000000000000000, binAddr: 0x0000000000001F88, size: 0x00000078 }
      - { sym: out_string, objAddr: 0x000000000000008C, binAddr: 0x0000000000002014, size: 0x00000000 }

If I use dsymutil to pack the debug info like:

dsymutil test

And try the lldb test again, it turns out:

warning: (x86_64) xxxx/test empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug info.
asked on Stack Overflow Feb 23, 2019 by Evian • edited Feb 23, 2019 by Evian

1 Answer


Finally, I worked out. LLDB supports program assembled by GAS with source code using AT&T syntax. And if you really want to debug program assembled by NASM with source code using intel syntax on macOS, just use GDB.

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 23, 2019 by Evian

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