generating an .au file in c


Out of morbid curiosity I've been trying to come up with a program that will generate a 4 second 440 A note in C. However, playing the outputted file in VLC does not produce any music.

Using Wikipedia as a guide to the .au header on this page: I came up with this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define MAGIC_NUM 0x2e736e64
#define UNKNOWN_SIZE 0xffffffff
#define BIT_32_PCM 5
#define STEREO 2
#define SAMPLE_RATE 8000
#define DURATION 4
#define MIDDLE_A 440

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    FILE* sound;

    sound = fopen("", "w");

    //write header
    fputc(MAGIC_NUM, sound);
    fputc(DEFAULT_OFFSET, sound);
    fputc(UNKNOWN_SIZE, sound);
    fputc(BIT_32_PCM, sound);
    fputc(SAMPLE_RATE, sound);
    fputc(STEREO, sound);

    //write a duration of a constant note
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i <= DURATION * SAMPLE_RATE; i++) {
        fputc((int)floor(MIDDLE_A * sin(i)), sound);


    return 0;

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2011 by FunTimesWithCode • edited Jan 11, 2019 by TylerH

4 Answers


You don't want the file opened as text - it may do funny things with any written linefeeds.

sound = fopen("", "wb");

You don't want to write characters - use fwrite not fputc

fwrite(".snd", 1, 4, sound);

Also note that .au files are big-endian - if you're on x86 or x86_64 your native byte order is little endian, and you'll need to convert your data before writing it.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2011 by Erik

The problem is fputc, it only outputs a char. You can't for example write MAGIC_NUM at once using fputc. A solution could be defining your own fput functions:

// write a word (2 bytes)
void fputw (unsigned int value, FILE* f)
    fputc(value & 0xff, f);
    fputc(value >> 8 & 0xff, f);

// write a dword (4 bytes)
void fputdw(unsigned int value, FILE* f)
    fputc(value & 0xff, f);
    fputc(value >> 8  & 0xff, f);
    fputc(value >> 16 & 0xff, f);
    fputc(value >> 24 & 0xff, f);

//write header
fputdw(MAGIC_NUM, sound);
fputdw(DEFAULT_OFFSET, sound);
fputdw(UNKNOWN_SIZE, sound);
fputdw(BIT_32_PCM, sound);
fputdw(SAMPLE_RATE, sound);
fputdw(STEREO, sound);
answered on Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2011 by Javi R

The comments about writing a character at a time are on point as far as that goes, but there are more fundamental problems here --

  1. The output of the sin() function is a float that ranges between -1.0 .. +1.0; you then take the floor of that, which will always be zero.

  2. The per-sample output of that sine generator needs to be converted from a float to a 32-bit integer.

  3. You need to convert sample position differently -- you need to calculate the angular frequency (in radians) that the sine wave advances along between samples.

Pseudocode like (not tested...)

SAMPLE_RATE = 44100.0
FREQ = 440.0
PI = 3.14159


for (int i = 0; i < (int) DURATION * SAMPLE_RATE; ++i)
    // get sample value in range -1.0 .. + 1.0
    floatSample = AMPLITUDE * sin(i * ANGULAR_FREQ)
    // convert to correctly scaled integer representation
    intSample = (int) floor(0x7FFFFFFF * floatSample);
    // write to file, send out DAC, whatever...
answered on Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2011 by bgporter

This is a working and tested version for C++.

createTone() builds the header and generates the tone data. This wikipedia article describes the values of the header variables DATA_OFFSET, DATA_SIZE, ENCODING, SAMPLE_RATE and CHANNELS.

NOTE: beware that .au files are generate using BIG ENDIAN, so when compiling on Intel x86/x64 you will need to make the convertion, that's why htonl is loaded.

This code uses linear PCM 8 modulation, for other modulation you will need to modify/replace pcm8() function.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

const int MAGIC_WORD = htonl(0x2e736e64);
const int DATA_OFFSET = htonl(24);
const int DATA_SIZE = htonl(0xffffffff);
const int ENCODING = htonl(0x00000002);
const int SAMPLE_RATE = 0x00001F40;
const int CHANNELS = htonl(0x00000005);
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846L;

const int PCM_MAX = 0xffffffff;

int pcm8(double value) {
    double v = ((value + 1) / 2);

    double delta = 1.0 / pow(2, 8);
    double ret = round(v / delta);
    int r = (int) ret;

    return r;

void createTone(int duration, double frec) {
    std::ofstream file;"", std::ios::binary);

    // header
    const int sampleRate = htonl(SAMPLE_RATE);
    file.write((char*) &MAGIC_WORD, sizeof(int));
    file.write((char*) &DATA_OFFSET, sizeof(int));
    file.write((char*) &DATA_SIZE, sizeof(int));
    file.write((char*) &ENCODING, sizeof(int));
    file.write((char*) &sampleRate, sizeof(int));
    file.write((char*) &CHANNELS, sizeof(int));

    // data
    double t = 0;

    while (t < duration) {
        int level = htonl(pcm8(sin(2 * PI * frec * t)));
        file.write((char*) &level, sizeof(int));
        t += 1.0 / ((double) SAMPLE_RATE);


int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    createTone(4, 440.0);
    return 0;
answered on Stack Overflow Sep 30, 2014 by jabaldonedo

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