Error when call WriteProcessMemory using inline asm


I want to call WriteProcessMemory in my c++ application (msvc visual studio) using __asm block.

#include <windows.h>    
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>       
const char* TextVar = "loon";
int main(){
 auto addrof = std::addressof(TextVar);
 unsigned int address = (unsigned int)addrof;
 HANDLE ProcessHandle = GetCurrentProcess();
 //WriteProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, LPVOID lpBaseAddress, LPCVOID lpBuffer, SIZE_T nSize, SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten );
   xor  eax, eax           // clear eax
   push 0x74736554         // push "Test"
   mov  eax, esp           // mov "Test" to eax

   push 0x0                // lpNumberOfBytesWritten
   push 0x4                // nSize [strlen("Test") = 4]
   push eax                // lpBuffer - "Test"
   push [address]          // lpBaseAddress - address of TextVar
   push ProcessHandle      // hProcess - Handle of current process
   call WriteProcessMemory

   push DWORD PTR[TextVar]
   call printf             //Print TextVar
  return 0;

But i get this:

An exception was thrown at the address 0x753F288E (ucrtbase.dll) in Test.exe: 0xC0000005: read access violation at 0x74736554.

//0x753F288E - printf address

//0x74736554 - my text - [Test]

What am I doing wrong? As I understand it, WPM writes the text as an address in TextVar. But how to fix that?

P.S - I do not want to use local variables in c++ as a buffer for WPM.

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 17, 2019 by Greorghe Lanescu • edited Feb 17, 2019 by Greorghe Lanescu

1 Answer


I believe Windows APIs use Pascal calling conventions, pushing parameters to the stack from left to right. You seem to be doing the opposite, using C calling conventions.

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 17, 2019 by Tomek

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