How do I convert sum of hex values back to hex values


I have an object containing a lot of hex values, which is:

var perms = {
  // General
  generalCreateInstantInvite: 0x1,
  generalKickMembers: 0x2,
  generalBanMembers: 0x4,
  generalAdministrator: 0x8,
  generalManageChannels: 0x10,
  generalManageServer: 0x20,
  generalChangeNickname: 0x4000000,
  generalManageNicknames: 0x8000000,
  generalManageRoles: 0x10000000,
  generalManageWebhooks: 0x20000000,
  generalManageEmojis: 0x40000000,
  generalViewAuditLog: 0x80,
  // Text
  textAddReactions: 0x40,
  textReadMessages: 0x400,
  textSendMessages: 0x800,
  textSendTTSMessages: 0x1000,
  textManageMessages: 0x2000,
  textEmbedLinks: 0x4000,
  textAttachFiles: 0x8000,
  textReadMessageHistory: 0x10000,
  textMentionEveryone: 0x20000,
  textUseExternalEmojis: 0x40000,
  // Voice
  voiceViewChannel: 0x400,
  voiceConnect: 0x100000,
  voiceSpeak: 0x200000,
  voiceMuteMembers: 0x400000,
  voiceDeafenMembers: 0x800000,
  voiceMoveMembers: 0x1000000,
  voiceUseVAD: 0x2000000,
  voicePrioritySpeaker: 0x100

Those are permissions in the discord API. A role in Discord would have multiple permissions, and therefore, discord sums them together using parseInt() and converts them to decimal values (regular integer values) and store them in the classes of object. For example, if the role has both generalCreateInstantInvite and generalKickMembers, the result of role.permissions would be 9 as it's the sum of 0x1 and 0x8, and I know that because I know the role has those two specific permissions on them.

A quick summary:

  1. I have a list of the perms in an object.
  2. I have the sum of hex values of some of them.
  3. I need to somehow convert the sum to the values themselves and put them in an array.

My question is, how do I make the bot that doesn't have any data else the permissions list (perms)and the permission integer (9) use them and output the permissions names (generalCreateInstantInvite and generalKickMembers) that they have? Or could there be an algorithm for that? If you have any links that might help, please send them.

Main JavaScript file example:

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const bot = new Discord.Client();
const perms = require('./Storage/perms.js');

bot.on('message', (message) => {
  let prefix = '/';
  let sender =;
  let msg = message.content;
  let cont = msg.split(' ');
  let args = cont.slice(1);
  let cmd = msg.startsWith(prefix) ? cont[0].slice(prefix.length).toUpperCase() : undefined;

  if (cmd === 'GETPERMISSIONS') {
    let role = message.guild.roles.get(args[0]); // args[0] should be role ID
    let rolePerms = role.permissions; // rolePerms is sum of hex values

    // Converting back the hex sum to permission names and place in an array...' - '));
asked on Stack Overflow Feb 13, 2019 by GamesProSeif

1 Answer


The simplest way would be to use discord.js to convert it by using Permisions#toArray Used like this:

new Discord.Permissions(role.permissions).toArray();

if the role has no permissions it will give an empty array [] otherwise it will give an array filled with Permissions#FLAGS


You can obviously also use the other functions of the Permissions Class.

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 13, 2019 by PLASMA chicken

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