during dynamic linking/loading, how is the base address obtained


i am writing my own dynamic linker/loader

my PRIMARY concern is getting the BASE ADDRESS correct and valid, as at the moment it is 0 (nil)

in which i have not worked on in 11 months and will probably need to re-learn most of my linker/loader aswell as ELF spec

which aims to provide the following capabilities:

  1. able to load and execute any libc compiled application including glibc, musl, uclibc, klibc, and others, and thus MUST be independent of such libs,

for example if it can compile with glibc but cannot be compiled with musl than it is broken and is thus dependent on glibc to compile, which if being compiled on a musl based distribution, is obviously not an option

  1. to be able to redirect shared object loading to $APP_LOCATION/../

provided $APP_LOCATION is for example, app/bin/app, it redirects /lib/blah to app/bin/../lib/blah and if the path does not exists fallsback to /lib/blah

this is something which CANNOT be achieved in the gnu dynamic linker, and cannnot be pre-loaded in ld.so.

  1. to be able to dlopen any valid symbol from any shared object, including local and nested symbols if known, aswell as C++ symbols (decoded/encoded via libiberty) , something which also cannot be done via hooking dlsym due to how dlsym itself works (eg it is only limited to global link symbols)

an example of this is:

(due to posting the files would result in exceeding 30,000 characters)

test_loader.c : https://github.com/mgood7123/universal-dynamic-loader/blob/master/loader/test_loader.c

debug="-g3 -O0 $additional_flags"
share="$debug -fPIC -shared"

void* test = dlopen("./files/test_lib.so") : gcc $share test_lib.c test_lib2.c -o files/test_lib.so : https://github.com/mgood7123/universal-dynamic-loader/blob/master/loader/test_lib.c and https://github.com/mgood7123/universal-dynamic-loader/blob/master/loader/test_lib2.c

void* testCPlusPlus = dlopen("./files/test++_lib.so") : g++ $share test++_lib.cpp test++_lib2.cpp -o files/test++_lib.so : https://github.com/mgood7123/universal-dynamic-loader/blob/master/loader/test%2B%2B_lib.cpp and https://github.com/mgood7123/universal-dynamic-loader/blob/master/loader/test%2B%2B_lib2.cpp

so far this works for almost all libraries (as in all libraries compiled as shared objects, not all libc variants such as musl or klib) except glibc which requires initialization of variables such as stdin/stdout/stderr and others, tho strlen, write(), work fine, have not tested strcmp and others, BUT printf and puts hang upon being executed

musl does not seem to have this problem and all of its functions seem to work find though i have not tested it extensively, strlen, write, puts, and printf work in musl with no problems

(idk which term it is called officially since the ELF spec seems to refer to it as dynamic loader, while gnu refers to it as dynamic linker)

and during dynamic linking, how is the base address obtained in order to initialize shared object files

granted i CANNOT post the full code of my linker as it is 257,903 characters, and the post limit is 30,000 characters

this base address is required for R_x86_64_RELATIVE relocations, which i believe contain the DT_INIT and DT_INIT_ARRAY functions/function arrays pointers among others

when i attempt to figure it out i get... well i get two things

  1. my relocation segfaults when attempting to assign to the computed base address + offset:

    R_X86_64_RELATIVE            calculation: B + A (base address + r_addend)
    library[library_index].base_address    =          (nil)
    reloc->r_offset =          (nil)+0x000000200e78=0x000000200e78
    reloc->r_addend =          (nil)+0x000000000590=0x000000000590
    ((char**)((char*)library[library_index].base_address + reloc->r_offset)) = 0x200e78
    Segmentation fault

which brings up problem number 2

  1. the base address is incorrect

    searching indexes for "./DT_INIT.so" incase it has already been loaded
    current index 0 holds "./DT_INIT.so"
    index 0 holds desired library "./DT_INIT.so"
    map succeded with address: 0x7f132f66a000
    calling round_up
    returning = 0x7f1320000000
    memmove: round_up(0x7f131dbe0010, 0x000010000000)+0x000000200000 = 0x7f1320200000
    calling round_up
    returning = 0x7f1320000000
    dest = 0x7f1320200000
    dest = 0x7f1320000000
    library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index].p_vaddr = 0x000000200e78
    library[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_paddr = 0x000000200e78
    library[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_vaddr = 0x000000200e78
    calling round_down
    returning = 0x000000200000
    calling round_down
    returning = 0x000000200000
    calling round_nearest
    returning = 0x000000201000
    base address range = 0x7f1320000000 - 0x7f1320201028
    mapping = 0x7f1320000000
    base address =          (nil)

which is done via

dlopen(lib) > dlopen_(lib) > init_(lib) > {
                                            > init(lib) // mmaps the lib
                                            > map()
**base address is assigned in the function map(), which aswell
as assigning the base address, also maps the PT_LOADS**

int init(char * lib) {
    if (library[library_index].struct_init != "initialized") init_struct();
    if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "current index %d holds \"%s\"\nsearching indexes for \"%s\" incase it has already been loaded\n", library_index, library[library_index].last_lib, lib);

    library_index = search(lib);
    library[library_index].last_lib = lib;
    library[library_index].current_lib = lib;
    if (library[library_index].array == NULL) {
        int fd = open(lib, O_RDONLY);
        if (fd < 0) {
            if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "cannot open \"%s\", returned %i\n", lib, fd);
            return -1;
        library[library_index].len = 0;
        library[library_index].len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
        lseek(fd, 0, 0);
        library[library_index].array = mmap (NULL, library[library_index].len, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
        if (library[library_index].array == MAP_FAILED) {
            if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "map failed\n");
        } else {
            if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "map succeded with address: %014p\n", library[library_index].array);
            return 0;
    } else return 0;
    return -1;

int prot_from_phdr(const int p_flags)
    int prot = 0;
    if (p_flags & PF_R)
        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "PROT_READ|");
        prot |= PROT_READ;
    if (p_flags & PF_W)
        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "PROT_WRITE|");
        prot |= PROT_WRITE;
    if (p_flags & PF_X)
        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "PROT_EXEC|");
        prot |= PROT_EXEC;
    return prot;

uintptr_t round_nearest(uintptr_t value, uintptr_t size)
    printf("calling %s\n", __func__);
    uintptr_t result = 0;
    uintptr_t remainder = value % size;
    if (remainder < size/2) { result = value - remainder; } else { result = value + size - remainder; }
    printf("returning = %014p\n", result);
    return result;

uintptr_t round_down(uintptr_t value, uintptr_t size)
    printf("calling %s\n", __func__);
    uintptr_t result = 0;
    result = (value/size)*size;
    printf("returning = %014p\n", result);
    return result;

uintptr_t round_up(uintptr_t value, uintptr_t size)
    printf("calling %s\n", __func__);
    uintptr_t result = 0;
    result = value ? size * ((value + (size - 1)) / size) : size;
    printf("returning = %014p\n", result);
    return result;

// special version specifically for PT_LOAD handling
int read_fast_verifyb(const char *src, int len_of_source, char **dest, int requested_len, Elf64_Phdr PT_LOAD_F, Elf64_Phdr PT_LOAD_L) {
    void * align = 0x10000000;
    *dest = malloc(requested_len+align+PT_LOAD_L.p_align);
    if (len_of_source < requested_len) memcpy(*dest, src, len_of_source);
    else memcpy(*dest, src, requested_len);
    if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "memmove: round_up(%014p, %014p)+%014p = %014p\n", *dest, align, PT_LOAD_L.p_align, round_up(*dest, align)+PT_LOAD_L.p_align);
    *dest = memmove(round_up(*dest, align)+PT_LOAD_L.p_align, *dest, requested_len);
    if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "dest = %014p\n", *dest);
    *dest = memmove(*dest-PT_LOAD_L.p_align, *dest, PT_LOAD_F.p_memsz);
    if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "dest = %014p\n", *dest);
    return requested_len;

void map() {
    if (library[library_index].is_mapped == 0) {
        library[library_index]._elf_header = (Elf64_Ehdr *) library[library_index].array;
        library[library_index]._elf_program_header = (Elf64_Phdr *)((unsigned long)library[library_index]._elf_header + library[library_index]._elf_header->e_phoff);

the very first thing we do is obtain the base address

Base Address
The virtual addresses in the program headers might not represent the actual virtual addresses
of the program's memory image. Executable files typically contain absolute code. To let the
process execute correctly, the segments must reside at the virtual addresses used to build the
executable file. On the other hand, shared object segments typically contain
position-independent code. This lets a segment's virtual address change from one process to
another, without invalidating execution behavior. Though the system chooses virtual addresses
for individual processes, it maintains the segments’ relative positions. Because
position-independent code uses relative addressing between segments, the difference between
virtual addresses in memory must match the difference between virtual addresses in the file.

The difference between the virtual address of any segment in memory and the corresponding
virtual address in the file is thus a single constant value for any one executable or shared object
in a given process. This difference is the base address. One use of the base address is to relocate
the memory image of the program during dynamic linking.

An executable or shared object file's base address is calculated during execution from three
values: the virtual memory load address, the maximum page size, and the lowest virtual address
of a program's loadable segment. To compute the base address, one determines the memory
address associated with the lowest p_vaddr value for a PT_LOAD segment. This address is
truncated to the nearest multiple of the maximum page size. The corresponding p_vaddr value
itself is also truncated to the nearest multiple of the maximum page size. The base address is
the difference between the truncated memory address and the truncated p_vaddr value.

        // aquire the first and last PT_LOAD'S
        int PT_LOADS=0;
        for (int i = 0; i < library[library_index]._elf_header->e_phnum; ++i) {
                case PT_LOAD:
//                         if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "i = %d\n", i);
//                         if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "PT_LOADS = %d\n", PT_LOADS);
                    if (!PT_LOADS)  {
//                             if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "saving first load\n");
                        library[library_index].First_Load_Header_index = i;
                    if (PT_LOADS) {
//                             if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "saving last load\n");
                        library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index = i;
        size_t span = library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index].p_vaddr + library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index].p_memsz - library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].First_Load_Header_index].p_vaddr;

        read_fast_verifyb(library[library_index].array, library[library_index].len, &library[library_index].mapping_start, span, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].First_Load_Header_index], library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index]);

        fprintf(stderr, "library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index].p_vaddr = %014p\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index].p_vaddr);

        // aquire the lowest PT_LOAD'S
        Elf64_Addr lowest_p_vaddr = 0;
        int lowest_idx = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < library[library_index]._elf_header->e_phnum; ++i) {
                case PT_LOAD:
                    if (!lowest_p_vaddr) {
                        lowest_p_vaddr = library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_vaddr;
                        lowest_idx = i;
                    if (lowest_p_vaddr < library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_memsz) {
                        lowest_p_vaddr = library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_vaddr;
                        lowest_idx = i;
        size_t pagesize = 0x1000;
        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "library[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_paddr = %014p\nlibrary[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_vaddr = %014p\n",library[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_paddr, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_vaddr);
        Elf64_Addr truncated_physical_address = round_down(library[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_paddr, pagesize);
        Elf64_Addr truncated_virtual_address = round_down(library[library_index]._elf_program_header[lowest_idx].p_vaddr, pagesize);
        library[library_index].base_address = truncated_physical_address - truncated_virtual_address;
//      library[library_index].base_address = library[library_index].mapping_start;

        library[library_index].align = round_nearest(library[library_index]._elf_program_header[library[library_index].Last_Load_Header_index].p_vaddr, pagesize);
//      library[library_index].base_address = library[library_index].mapping_start - library[library_index].align;
        library[library_index].mapping_end = library[library_index].mapping_start+span;

        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "base address range = %014p - %014p\nmapping = %014p\nbase address = %014p\n", library[library_index].mapping_start, library[library_index].mapping_end, library[library_index].mapping_start, library[library_index].base_address);

//      abort_();
        // base address aquired, map all PT_LOAD segments adjusting by base address then continue with the rest
        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\nfind %014p, %014p, (int) 1239\n\n\n\n", library[library_index].mapping_start, library[library_index].mapping_end);

        if (library[library_index].mapping_start == 0x00000000) abort_();
        int PT_LOADS_CURRENT = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < library[library_index]._elf_header->e_phnum; ++i) {
                case PT_LOAD:
                    PT_LOADS_CURRENT = PT_LOADS_CURRENT + 1;
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "mapping PT_LOAD number %d\n", PT_LOADS_CURRENT);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\t\tp_flags:  %014p\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_flags);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\t\tp_offset: %014p\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_offset);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\t\tp_vaddr:  %014p\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_vaddr);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\t\tp_paddr:  %014p\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_paddr);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\t\tp_filesz: %014p\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_filesz);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\t\tp_memsz:  %014p\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_memsz);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\t\tp_align:  %014p\n\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_align);

                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\tp_flags: %014p", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_flags);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, " p_offset: %014p", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_offset);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, " p_vaddr: %014p", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_vaddr);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, " p_paddr: %014p", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_paddr);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, " p_filesz: %014p", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_filesz);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, " p_memsz: %014p", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_memsz);
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, " p_align: %014p\n\n\n", library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_align);

                    if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "mprotect(%014p+round_down(%014p, %014p), %014p, ", library[library_index].mapping_start, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_vaddr, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_align, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_memsz);
                    if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, ");\n");
                    errno = 0;
                    int check_mprotect_success = mprotect(library[library_index].mapping_start+round_down(library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_vaddr, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_align), round_up(library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_memsz, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_align), library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_flags);
                    if (errno == 0)
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "mprotect on %014p succeded with size: %014p\n", library[library_index].mapping_start+round_down(library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_vaddr, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_align), round_up(library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_memsz, library[library_index]._elf_program_header[i].p_align));
                        if (bytecmpq(global_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "mprotect failed with: %s (errno: %d, check_mprotect_success = %d)\n", strerror(errno), errno, check_mprotect_success);
        library[library_index].is_mapped = 1;

init_(const char * filename) {
    if (library[library_index].init__ == 1) return 0;
    library[library_index]._elf_header = (Elf64_Ehdr *) library[library_index].array;
    read_section_header_table_(library[library_index].array, library[library_index]._elf_header, &library[library_index]._elf_symbol_table);
    obtain_rela_plt_size(library[library_index].array, library[library_index]._elf_header, library[library_index]._elf_symbol_table);
    if(!strncmp((char*)library[library_index]._elf_header->e_ident, "\177ELF", 4)) {

void *
dlopen_(const char * cc)
    if (library[library_index].init_lock == 1) {
        if (bytecmpq(ldd_quiet, "no") == 0) fprintf(stderr, "dlopen: LOCKED\n");
        return "-1";
    if ( if_valid(cc) == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" not found\n", cc);
        errno = 0;
        return "-1";

void *
dlopen(const char * cc) {
    return dlopen_(cc);

in which this is the structure of the library[]

struct lib
    char * rootlib;
    char * rootusrlib;
    int init_lock;
    char * struct_init;
    char * library_name;
    char ** NEEDED;
    char library_first_character;
    char * library_len;
    char * library_symbol;
    Elf64_Ehdr * _elf_header;
    Elf64_Phdr * _elf_program_header;
    Elf64_Shdr * _elf_symbol_table;
    char *strtab;
    size_t len;
    char * array;
    char * current_lib;
    char * last_lib;
    int is_mapped;
    size_t align;
    Elf64_Addr mapping_start;
    Elf64_Addr base_address;
    Elf64_Addr mapping_end;
    int init__;
    int PT_DYNAMIC_;
    char * tmp99D;
    Elf64_Dyn * dynamic;
    int First_Load_Header_index;
    int Last_Load_Header_index;
    size_t RELA_PLT_SIZE;
    int _R_X86_64_NONE;
    int _R_X86_64_64;
    int _R_X86_64_PC32;
    int _R_X86_64_GOT32;
    int _R_X86_64_PLT32;
    int _R_X86_64_COPY;
    int _R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT;
    int _R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT;
    int _R_X86_64_RELATIVE;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTPCREL;
    int _R_X86_64_32;
    int _R_X86_64_32S;
    int _R_X86_64_16;
    int _R_X86_64_PC16;
    int _R_X86_64_8;
    int _R_X86_64_PC8;
    int _R_X86_64_DTPMOD64;
    int _R_X86_64_DTPOFF64;
    int _R_X86_64_TPOFF64;
    int _R_X86_64_TLSGD;
    int _R_X86_64_TLSLD;
    int _R_X86_64_DTPOFF32;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF;
    int _R_X86_64_TPOFF32;
    int _R_X86_64_PC64;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTOFF64;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTPC32;
    int _R_X86_64_GOT64;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTPCREL64;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTPC64;
    int _Deprecated1;
    int _R_X86_64_PLTOFF64;
    int _R_X86_64_SIZE32;
    int _R_X86_64_SIZE64;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTPC32_TLSDESC;
    int _R_X86_64_TLSDESC_CALL;
    int _R_X86_64_TLSDESC;
    int _R_X86_64_IRELATIVE;
    int _R_X86_64_RELATIVE64;
    int _Deprecated2;
    int _Deprecated3;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTPLT64;
    int _R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX;
    int _R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX;
    int _R_X86_64_NUM;
    int _R_X86_64_UNKNOWN;
    Elf64_Addr * GOT;
    Elf64_Addr * GOT2;
    Elf64_Addr * PLT;
} library[512];
extern struct lib library[512];

as i am not entirely sure what "truncated to the nearest multiple" means buts since p_paddr and p_vaddr are the same any calulation done on each will yeild 0 when "The base address is the difference between the truncated memory address and the truncated p_vaddr value." unless i im interperating this incorrectly:

An executable or shared object file's base address is calculated during execution from three
values: the virtual memory load address, the maximum page size, and the lowest virtual address
of a program's loadable segment. To compute the base address, one determines the memory
address associated with the lowest p_vaddr value for a PT_LOAD segment. This address is
truncated to the nearest multiple of the maximum page size. The corresponding p_vaddr value
itself is also truncated to the nearest multiple of the maximum page size. The base address is
the difference between the truncated memory address and the truncated p_vaddr value.
asked on Stack Overflow Feb 12, 2019 by Matthew Good • edited Feb 12, 2019 by Matthew Good

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