Issue wth 0x80004005 error. Trying to use Microsoft OLEDB for oracle provider as destination


How can we fix this issue? Am I missing any driver? Everything looks good but I am encountering this issue when I add OLE DB Destination for oracle provider.

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error"

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult 0x80004005 Description: Data Type is not supported

enter image description here

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 4, 2019 by user10260750 • edited Feb 4, 2019 by Hadi

1 Answer


The main exception you are receiving is:

Data Type is not supported

This exception is thrown due to some oracle data types that are not supported in OLEDB such as Timestamp.

Based on the Oracle Provider for OLE DB Developer’s Guide:

Fractional second is not supported for TIMESTAMP data types binding with Command objects.

Other data types may not be supported in OLEDB such as CLOB data type.

It is highly recommended to use Oracle Attunity connectors instead of OLEDB provider, it guarantees higher performance and it is more supported and have been selected by Microsoft to be included with SQL Server Integration Services

For more information you can check my answer on the link below:

Similar issues links

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 4, 2019 by Hadi

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