How to force Discrete GPU in electron.js?


Update: I also saw documentation and discussions that it must always use discrete GPU but it is not, it always use internal one at the moment.

I need to use discrete GPU in electron.js app in case there are integrated and discrete, how to force it in Electron?

In c++ it can be done like that:

extern "C" 
  __declspec(dllexport) unsigned long NvOptimusEnablement = 0x00000001;
  __declspec(dllexport) int AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 1;

How to do that in electron.js?

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 31, 2019 by user1338054 • edited Feb 4, 2019 by user1338054

2 Answers


With current Electron.js/WebGL, there is no mechanism to enforce this. However, you shouldn't need to, because running on the discrete GPU is the default.

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 3, 2019 by Paul-Jan

I figured out, you can silently restart the app with setting the the special windows env variable, which forces the process to use the dedicated GPU.

const { spawn } = require('child_process');

// Restart with force using the dedicated GPU
if (process.env.GPUSET !== 'true') {
  spawn(process.execPath, process.argv, {
    env: {
      SHIM_MCCOMPAT: '0x800000001', // this forces windows to use the dedicated GPU for the process
      GPUSET: 'true'
    detached: true,
answered on Stack Overflow Aug 31, 2020 by Chris

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