Hoping someone familiar with Windows 10 and Robocopy can help.
I am using the following robocopy command in backup script that is being run as Administrator (yes the real Administrator user ID)
runas /user:Administrator backup.bat
robocopy N:\FNL E:\FNL /MIR /E /Z /R:1 /W:1 /V /NP /LOG+:backup.log
As long as there have been no new files for directories created in the source folder, in this case N:\FNL
it seems to run fine. As soon as I create a directory, for example "Fred", I get the following error:
ERROR 124 (0x0000007C) Creating Destination Directory N:\FNL\Fred The system call level is not correct.
I have changed file permission for "Authenticated Users" to Full Control and as well have taken ownership of all folders and sub-folders/child objects on the target drive but still get the same error.
Anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong?
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