I have the following code running but how do I now initialize a vector or variable with it.
constexpr uint32_t _RtlComputeCrc32(
_In_ DWORD dwInitial,
_In_reads_bytes_(stLength) const BYTE *pbyData,
_In_ INT stLength
while (stLength-- != 0)
// crc = ((crc >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF) ^ crc32_table[(crc ^ *(pbyData++)) & 0x000000FF];
return crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
constexpr uint32_t crccalc(const std::wstring_view field)
return _RtlComputeCrc32(0, (BYTE*)field.data(), (INT)field.size() * sizeof(wchar_t));
template<const wchar_t* T >
struct crcfield
//static constexpr const std::wstring_view sname = T;
static constexpr const uint32_t field = crccalc(T);
struct Field
std::wstring_view namee;
static const uint32_t crcfield;
If I want a static variable now how must this looks like:
static constexpr const wchar_t *namee = _T("test");
auto f = crcfield**<???>;**
If I for example do the following:
auto f = crcfield<_T("t")>;
I get the error:
error C2762: 'crcfield': invalid expression as a template argument for 'T'
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