Unhandled exception at 0x660957C8 (vcruntime140d.dll) in ConsoleApplication1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000A


i was coding in visual studio c++ i just got into classes i was writing a basic "text game" in which 2 warriors fight in this code i had 2 classes one was a called a warrior class and the seccond was the battle class. i know the text was gonna be mess because i havent writen endl in most of the output operators but i executed it to figure out if it was working or not when i debugged it and fixed all the syntax errors this came up in visual studio.(in the picture down below here is my code

#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class warrior {
int attackMAX;
int blockMAX;
public :
string name;
int health;
warrior(string name, int health, int attackMAX, int blockMAX ) {

    this->name = name;
    this->health = health;
    this->attackMAX = attackMAX;
    this->blockMAX = blockMAX;


int attack() {
    return rand() % this->attackMAX;

int block() {
    return rand() % this->blockMAX;


class battle {
 static void startfight(warrior& warrior1,
    warrior& warrior2) {
    while (true) {
        if (battle::getattackresult(warrior1, warrior2).compare("game over") == 0) {

            cout << "game over" << endl;
        if (battle::getattackresult(warrior2, warrior1).compare("game over") == 0) {

            cout << "game over" << endl;



static string getattackresult(warrior& warriora,
    warrior& warriorb) {
    int warrioraattackamount = warriora.attack();
    int warriorbblockamount = warriorb.block();
    int damage2warriorb = ceil(warrioraattackamount - warriorbblockamount);
    if (damage2warriorb < 0) {
        damage2warriorb = 0;
    warriorb.health = warriorb.health - damage2warriorb;

    cout << warriora.name << "attacks" << warriorb.name << "and deals" << damage2warriorb << "damage";

    cout << warriorb.name << "is down to only" << warriorb.health;
    if (warriorb.health <= 0) {
        cout <<warriorb.name<<"got destroyed by"<<warriora.name<<"and he is now victorious";
        return "game over";


int main()


warrior thor("thor", 100, 30, 15);
warrior hulk("hulk", 135, 25, 10);

battle::startfight(thor, hulk);

return 0;


the error

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 26, 2019 by The Emerald X

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